


Exercise and time spent outdoors are crucial to building up your mental and physical health.在户外运动和花费时间对建立心理和身体健康至关重要。 Did you know that doing 30 minutes of exercise a day may您知道一天锻炼XNUMX分钟可能会 显着改善抑郁和焦虑症状? And research has also shown that smaller amounts of activity, such as 10 to 15 minutes at a time, can also make a difference in your overall mood.研究还表明,少量的活动(例如每次XNUMX到XNUMX分钟)也可以改变整体情绪。 

The end of summer might be fast approaching but there's still plenty of time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather.夏季快要结束了,但是仍然有很多时间可以出去享受温暖的天气。 Here are five of the best places in Denver to get your body moving and boost your mood, no matter your skill level!无论您的技能水平如何,这里都是丹佛的五个最佳去处,可让您的身体运动并改善心情!

1. 丹佛植物园的早晨瑜伽

What better way to start your day than outside, surrounded by beautiful plants, relaxing with some morning yoga?有什么比户外活动更好的方式来开始新的一天呢?周围是美丽的植物,还可以通过晨练瑜伽放松一下? At the在 丹佛植物园,您可以在优美,宁静的环境中练习自己的技能,同时获得精神健康方面的奖励。 

Vinyasa瑜伽 focuses on the flow from movement to movement along with an awareness of your breath.着重于运动之间的流动以及对呼吸的意识。 In this class, you can expect to engage in postures that promote alignment, flexibility, and endurance, practicing alongside an experienced instructor.在这堂课中,您可以期望与有经验的教练一起练习各种姿势,以提高身体的协调性,灵活性和耐力。 

Classes are open to all skill levels.课程对所有技能水平开放。 Just be sure to register beforehand by visiting their website只要确保事先通过访问他们的网站进行注册 此处

2. 在熊溪湖打水

Bear Creek Lake, located in Lakewood, is the perfect place to spend a day on the water.位于莱克伍德的熊溪湖是在水上度过一天的理想场所。 The park is over 2,600 acres in size and offers great views along with该公园面积超过XNUMX英亩,可欣赏到美景 精彩活动 for all levels of adventurers.适合所有级别的冒险家。 If you don't have your own equipment, paddleboards, kayaks, canoes, and pedal boats are available for daily rentals.如果您没有自己的设备,则可以每天租用桨板,皮划艇,独木舟和脚踏船。 

Additionally, for those who prefer to stay on dry land, consider checking out some of the other activities this stunning lake has to offer.此外,对于那些希望留在干燥土地上的人,可以考虑检查这个迷人的湖泊所提供的其他一些活动。 From camping to horseback riding and fishing to picnicking, there's plenty to do at从露营到骑马,钓鱼到野餐,这里有很多事情要做 熊溪湖!

3. 远足巢穴熊

Jeffco开放空间系统拥有56,00英亩的保留土地,27个公园和251英里的小径,供您探索和探索。 熊之巢 is a favorite for families.是家庭的最爱。 There are plenty of picnic tables to have lunch with the whole family and Bear Creek is close by for the avid fishers.这里有很多野餐桌供全家人共进午餐,而贝尔溪(Bear Creek)就在附近,适合那些狂热的渔民。 

如果您对更具挑战性的加息感兴趣,请考虑参加 熊溪步道,它绵延12.6英里,为远足者提供令人惊叹的科罗拉多州迷人景观。 

只要确保早点到达或使用 很多现货 应用程序,然后再去检查停车场的可用性。

4. 斯坦德利湖周围的自行车

斯坦德利湖 has been around for over 100 years and has brought plenty of outdoor views and opportunities to Westminster residents and visitors.距今已有XNUMX多年的历史,并为威斯敏斯特居民和游客带来了许多户外景观和机会。 The lake is the third-largest reservoir in the Denver metro area, open to hiking, cycling, camping, and wildlife viewing.该湖是丹佛都会区的第三大水库,可徒步旅行,骑自行车,露营和观赏野生生物。 In fact, the lake is home to two very popular nesting bald eagles!实际上,该湖是两只非常流行的筑巢秃头鹰的家!

Although paddling is restricted at the moment, you can take in the sights on a bike using the paved path around the lake.尽管目前划桨运动受到限制,但您可以使用环湖铺设的小径骑自行车游览景点。 There are many free parking spots and there's no fee for bicycle access to the park.这里有许多免费停车位,骑自行车进入公园是免费的。 

5. 步行遗产莱克伍德贝尔马公园

如果您想在运动时上一点历史课,那么 Heritage Lakewood Belmar公园 (以前是莱克伍德遗产中心)是您的理想选择。 20世纪历史公园拥有15座历史建筑和永久性展览品,这些故事讲述了数十年来莱克伍德居民的故事。 

您可以漫步公园并探索历史遗迹,或提前计划 阅读建筑历史 在您访问之前。 此外,游客中心可通过预订开放,星期二至星期六上午10点至下午3点。公园也允许狗入内,因此请带上毛茸茸的朋友参加这次郊游。 只要确保释放所有宠物即可。 

当您住在科罗拉多州时,接触大自然和活动的绝佳机会总是在您的后院! 要查找您所在地区的更多户外活动,请访问 科罗拉多公园与野生动物 website.网站。 Follow us on跟着我们 Facebook获得更多提示和技巧,以全年保持您的身体和思想健康。 For more resources on suicide prevention awareness, check out our blog post有关自杀预防意识的更多资源,请查看我们的博客文章 如何识别自杀的警告信号以及您可以如何帮助.

720/791全天候危机处理中心和取款管理计划在CO 2735的惠特里奇(Wheat Ridge)的844 Wadsworth Blvd开放。



    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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