


In most crisis situations, the first people on site are professionals who have been trained to respond calmly to chaotic and unpredictable situations.在大多数危机情况下,第一批到场的人是经过培训的人员,他们能够对混乱和不可预测的情况做出从容应对。 Law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical workers are accustomed to handling life-threatening events, but the outbreak of the coronavirus has forced us to reconsider our definition of these first responders and essential workers.执法人员,消防员和紧急医务人员已习惯于处理威胁生命的事件,但冠状病毒的爆发迫使我们重新考虑对这些第一反应者和基本工作者的定义。 

Today, we are asking grocery store workers, bus drivers, mail carriers, restaurant workers, janitors, and many other professionals to take on an incredible amount of risk to their health as a means of keeping our country operational while we observe social distancing.今天,我们要求食品杂货店的工作人员,公共汽车司机,邮递员,饭店工作人员,清洁工和许多其他专业人员对他们的健康承担不可思议的风险,以此作为在观察社会距离的同时保持我们的国家运转的一种手段。 These sacrifices come with additional mental, physical, and emotional tolls, so how can essential workers acknowledge the trauma they're experiencing while taking steps to maintain their mental health in a stressful situation?这些牺牲伴随着额外的精神,身体和情感上的损失,因此基本工人如何在采取措施保持压力状态下的心理健康的同时,认识到自己所遭受的创伤? 

根据杰斐逊中心创伤临床医生Jamie Schlichenmayer和Joel Smith的专家建议,这就是创伤和焦虑如何影响人的方法,以及如果您是COVID-19期间的重要工作人员,可以如何应对这些挑战。 


根据美国心理学会的说法, 创伤 Schlichenmayer和Smith指出,有两种不同的创伤:直接伤害和替代伤害。 

直接创伤: 这是直接暴露于枪击、事故或自然灾害等令人不安的事件的结果。

替代创伤: 这是一个随着时间的推移而持续变化的过程,是由于目睹或听到其他人的痛苦和需求而产生的。 

Schlichenmayer说:“这种当前的流行病的独特之处在于它具有双重影响。” “People's lives have been so significantly changed that they are experiencing direct trauma and the interconnectivity of our lives (thanks to social media) means we are also seeing the overwhelming effect this is having across the globe, leading to vicarious trauma.人们的生活已经发生了巨大变化,正遭受直接的创伤,我们生活的相互联系(由于社交媒体的影响)意味着我们也看到了这种冲击在全球范围内产生的压倒性影响,导致了替代创伤。 And just like trauma, the pandemic is having a different impact on different people based on their personalities, previous life experiences, and work settings.就像创伤一样,这种流行病根据他们的性格,过往的生活经历和工作环境对不同的人产生不同的影响。 For those who have suddenly found themselves on the frontlines of the coronavirus, this can be especially stressful.”对于那些突然发现自己处于冠状病毒前线的人来说,这可能尤其令人感到压力。”  


It can be difficult to feel like your experience or emotions are valid at a time when everyone is suffering to some degree as a result of the same event.在每个人由于同一事件而遭受某种程度的痛苦时,可能很难感到自己的经历或情感是正确的。 However, this is a crucial first step to managing trauma and anxiety, especially for然而,这是处理创伤和焦虑的关键的第一步,尤其是对于 基本工人。 People who have been asked to continue coming to their jobs every day can experience additional stress related to increased workloads, intense interactions, the pressure to maintain high standards, separation from their families, and fears about the increased risk of infection.被要求继续每天上班的人会承受与工作量增加,人际关系紧张,维持高标准的压力,与家人分离以及担心感染风险增加有关的额外压力。 This can result in这可能导致 个人和专业需求之间的紧张关系

Another complicated component for many people who have suddenly been deemed 'essential' is the fact their household income may have shrunk significantly due to mass layoffs.对于许多突然被认为是“基本”的人来说,另一个复杂的组成部分是,由于大规模的裁员,他们的家庭收入可能大幅减少。 The pandemic has forced roughly大流行已迫使 16万美国人申请失业救济 这意味着保留工作的基本工人会感到越来越压力,要求他们继续工作。 

Many of these workers are also concerned about hazardous working conditions, health insurance benefits, and a lack of paid sick leave that would protect them in the event that they do contract the virus.这些工人中的许多人还担心危险的工作条件,健康保险福利以及缺乏带薪病假,这会在感染病毒时保护他们。 It's important to recognize that any one of these factors would be cause for concern even under the best of circumstances, so juggling that many challenges and uncertainties during a pandemic is a recipe for burnout.重要的是要认识到,即使在最佳情况下,这些因素中的任何一个也会引起关注,因此,应对流行期间的许多挑战和不确定性是倦怠的良方。 Taking the time to acknowledge your experience is essential to maintaining your花时间确认您的经历对维持您的生活至关重要 心理健康.


There are many telltale signs of trauma, however, given the current circumstances, Smith says it can be difficult to separate what changes are the result of lifestyle alterations dictated by social distancing and which are signs of trauma.史密斯说,有很多迹象表明有创伤的迹象,但鉴于目前的情况,很难区分哪些变化是由社会疏远导致的生活方式改变的结果,哪些是创伤的迹象。 In direct and vicarious cases, reactions can often be delayed and changes to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be more subtle or discrete.在直接和替代的情况下,反应通常可能会延迟,对思想,感觉和行为的更改可能更加微妙或离散。 Some reactions to traumatic events can include:对创伤事件的一些反应包括:

  • 入睡困难
  • 饮食习惯的改变
  • 梦魇
  • 饮酒或吸烟增加 
  • 难以集中 
  • 社交退缩
  • 情绪低落或焦虑 
  • 易怒或愤怒增加 
  • 侵入性的想法 
  • 灵敏度更高 

Schlichenmayer表示:“识别可能造成创伤和生活方式改变的一种简便方法是,确定行为是否对您有帮助。” “例如,如果您过去经常出门吃饭时发现自己在家做饭的次数更多,那可能对您的健康有益,因为您不会将自己暴露在可能携带这种病毒的其他人面前。 However, if you're used to eating a fairly balanced diet and you've noticed that all you want to eat is comfort food, you might be exhibiting symptoms of trauma.”但是,如果您习惯于饮食均衡,并且发现自己想吃的只是舒适食品,那么您可能会出现外伤症状。” 


During difficult times, people are prone to experiencing relationship problems like marital discord, expecting the worst of others, and the loss of friends.在困难时期,人们很容易遇到诸如婚姻不和,期待其他人最糟糕的生活以及失去朋友之类的关系问题。 Social distancing and shelter-in-place orders only compound these factors, making it harder to社会疏远和就地庇护令只会加剧这些因素,因此很难 保持你的关系

为了确保您的人际关系在大流行期间尽可能保持健康,史密斯建议与与您住在一起的人分开一段时间。 “这将为你提供一些急需的时间来满足自己的需求并理清复杂的想法或感受,”他说。 “此外,抽出一些时间可以帮助你与所爱的人在一起度过更多优质、有意义的时光。” 


One effective way to manage trauma is to find a support network of others who have had similar experiences.处理创伤的一种有效方法是找到其他有类似经历的人的支持网络。 Luckily, in the case of COVID-19, everyone is living through the same event and most people will be able to relate to your concerns.幸运的是,在COVID-XNUMX的情况下,每个人都生活在同一个事件中,并且大多数人都可以与您的问题相关。 Although it can be difficult to feel like you have a close support network when everyone is sheltering in place, there are still plenty of ways to interact with your community.尽管当每个人都在适当的地方庇护时,很难感觉到您拥有紧密的支持网络,但仍有许多与社区互动的方法。 

这可能意味着虚拟游戏之夜、与朋友打电话,甚至写信。 如果你有宗教信仰或精神信仰,这也可能是你开始质疑你的信仰或感到愤世嫉俗的时候。 参加虚拟服务或加入圣经学习小组可以帮助您重新获得与社区和信仰的联系感。 


Essential workers are more exposed to the effects of the pandemic in many ways.基本工人在许多方面更容易受到大流行的影响。 In the case of vicarious trauma, these people might be prone to taking on the emotional suffering of those around them after encountering grief, loss, and hardship on a daily basis.在替代性创伤的情况下,这些人在每天遇到悲伤,损失和困苦后,可能容易承受周围人的情感痛苦。 It can be easy to carry those heavy emotions with you from your work life into your home life but you should make time to address your own needs.将沉重的情感从工作生活带入家庭生活可能很容易,但是您应该花时间解决自己的需求。 

Smith强调的最基本需求之一就是获得优质睡眠的重要性。 睡眠与我们所做的一切有关。 它会影响我们的情绪和身体的运作方式,对于保持免疫系统的健康至关重要。” Schlichenmayer补充说,保持活跃很重要。 “身体症状通常对身体运动反应非常好。” 

其他方式 满足您的身体需求 include getting regular exercise, healthy eating, limiting alcohol and smoking, and drinking plenty of water.包括进行定期运动,健康饮食,限制饮酒和吸烟以及喝大量水。 When it comes to addressing your mental and emotional needs,在解决您的心理和情感需求时, 自我保健程序 可以帮助您接地并重新连接您的身体。 


  • 深呼吸练习 
  • 与同伴交谈
  • 写日记
  • 沉思
  • 练习可视化 
  • 看电影 
  • 读一本书
  • 听音乐
  • 演奏乐器 




Trauma is a tricky subject because its effects can last for years after the initial event.创伤是一个棘手的问题,因为它的影响可以在最初事件后持续数年。 The pandemic is an ongoing situation that is changing day by day and many mental health experts agree that the long-term effects on workers' psyche could be significant in the months and years ahead.大流行是一种持续变化的状况,并且每天都在变化,许多心理健康专家都认为,对工人心理的长期影响在未来的几个月和几年中可能会很显着。 

If you're an essential worker and you're struggling to prioritize your mental health during this time, Jefferson Center is here for you.如果您是重要的工作人员,并且在此期间仍在努力优先考虑心理健康,那么杰斐逊中心将为您服务。 To learn more about our telehealth进一步了解我们的远程医疗 服务 or if you have any questions, contact us today.如果您有任何疑问,请立即与我们联系。 Additionally, you can hear more of Smith and Schlichenmayer's thoughts on this subject by此外,您可以通过以下方式进一步了解史密斯和施利兴迈尔对此主题的看法: 在这里观看基本工人网络研讨会

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    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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