


一般, 1在5 American adults will experience a mental illness each year, but with global events like the pandemic, these numbers are sure to increase.美国成年人每年都会遭受精神疾病的困扰,但是随着大流行等全球性事件的发生,这些数字肯定会增加。 In the past, some people might have believed that mental health was only a concern for those with mental illnesses, but the reality is that everyone will face difficult situations that challenge their mental health.过去,有些人可能认为心理健康只是精神疾病患者的事,但现实是每个人都将面临挑战其心理健康的困难处境。 

Whether you're experiencing a mental illness yourself or know someone who's working through their own challenges, the bottom line is that mental health is for everyone.无论您是自己患上精神疾病,还是认识某个正在应对挑战的人,最重要的是精神健康适合每个人。 Awareness, accessibility, and allyship are all community issues.意识,可及性和同盟关系都是社区的问题。 Here's how you can advocate for mental health well past Mental Health Month and help to normalize the conversation so people can get the help they need more quickly and easily.您可以通过以下方法在“心理健康月”过后提倡心理健康,并帮助使对话正常化,以便人们可以更快,更轻松地获得所需的帮助。 


战斗 柱头 is all about supporting the mental health community.就是要支持精神卫生社区。 Stereotypes and misinformation about mental illnesses have made it difficult for some people to seek help for treatable issues.对精神疾病的刻板印象和错误信息使某些人难以就可治疗的问题寻求帮助。 However, allies can create safe spaces where people feel comfortable discussing their mental state, seeking treatment, and sharing their stories with others.但是,盟国可以创造安全的空间,使人们可以放心地讨论自己的精神状态,寻求治疗并与他人分享他们的故事。 Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can be an ally and advocate for mental health in your community.幸运的是,您可以通过多种方式成为社区中的盟友并倡导精神健康。 


Fear of mental illness is often rooted in a lack of education and understanding.对精神疾病的恐惧通常源于缺乏教育和理解。 A common普通的 误解 人们认为精神疾病是一回事,但实际上,不同的障碍和疾病的严重程度和症状各不相同,从而使得治疗方法也大不相同。 通过查看值得信赖的资源(例如 全国精神疾病联盟 (NAMI), 国家心理健康研究所 (NIMH),以及 世界卫生组织 (WHO)。


When someone is struggling with a mental health problem, it can be difficult for them to ask for help.当某人在精神健康问题上挣扎时,他们可能很难寻求帮助。 Eliminate one barrier by reaching out and starting the conversation yourself.通过伸出手并开始对话来消除障碍。 A simple question like, “I noticed you've been having a hard time lately;一个简单的问题,例如:“我注意到您最近一直很辛苦; what can I do to help?”我该怎么办?” can create a safe space for someone to talk about their problem and get assistance without needing to seek it out.可以为某人提供一个安全的空间,使他们可以讨论他们的问题并获得帮助,而无需寻求帮助。 Additionally, treatment looks different for every person based on their personality, mental illness, and unique needs.此外,根据每个人的性格,精神疾病和独特需求,治疗方法看起来也有所不同。 Asking how you can help ensures that you're equipped to assist someone in a way that will be beneficial to them specifically.询问您如何提供帮助,可以确保您有能力以对某人特别有利的方式为某人提供帮助。 


人们避免透露他们的心理健康问题的另一个常见原因是他们害怕判断和歧视。 了解谈论某种情况可能会让其他人感到非常脆弱和伤脑筋。 让您的亲人知道他们的声音正在被听到,方法是仔细聆听,不要打断,并承认他们不是由他们的精神疾病定义的。 您可以通过尝试将自己置于他们的位置来表现出同理心,并以您希望某人在您分享困难和私密的事情时对您做出回应的方式做出回应。 


You never know what someone is going through just by looking at them.您永远不会仅仅通过看着别人就知道别人正在经历什么。 Being a mental health ally means being conscious of your language and word choice in a variety of situations and conversations, not just around people who you know have a mental illness.成为心理健康盟友意味着在各种情况和对话中不仅要认识自己患有精神疾病的人,还要意识到自己的语言和单词选择。 For example, calling someone 'insane' makes light of mental illness and devalues the experiences of people who have lived with mental illnesses.例如,称某人为“疯子”会使精神病患者轻视,并使患有精神疾病的人的经历贬值。 If you find yourself frequently describing things or people as 'crazy' or 'insane,' you might want to check out如果您发现自己经常将事物或人形容为“疯狂”或“疯狂”,那么您可能想看看 此替代形容词列表.


Unfortunately, mental health problems are frequently not taken as seriously as physical health problems.不幸的是,精神健康问题常常没有像身体健康问题那样受到重视。 However, just as you would go to the doctor if you had a persistent cough for a couple of weeks, you should take your mental health seriously and visit a professional if you're experiencing persistent changes in your mental health.但是,就像如果您持续咳嗽了几周就去看医生一样,您应该认真对待自己的心理健康,如果您的心理健康不断发生变化,就应该去看医生。 Don't brush your mental wellness under the rug or write things off as 'just a bad day.'不要在地毯下擦洗自己的心理健康状况,也不要将事情记为“糟糕的一天”。 By advocating for your own mental health and seeking treatment when you need it, you help to normalize the topic and motivate others to do the same.通过提倡自己的心理健康并在需要时寻求治疗,可以帮助您使话题正常化,并激发他人这样做。 


意识和知名度是使心理健康成为每个人都能接受的主题的重要组成部分。 虽然数字和统计数据可以成为很好的证据,但没有什么比某人的个人故事更有说服力了。 通过分享您的生活经历,无论是患有严重的终生精神疾病还是每天与焦虑作斗争,您都为人们打开了大门,让人们在您的故事中看到自己,并感到不那么孤单。 


心理健康是每个人的关注点,这意味着您可以 介入 at every level.在每个级别。 From engaging in conversations at home about how mental health is portrayed on a TV show to writing your representatives and advocating for policy changes at the government level, there's plenty you can do to break down barriers.从在家中就电视节目中心理健康的表现进行对话,到撰写您的代表并在政府一级倡导政策变化,您可以做很多事情来打破障碍。 If you want to stay up-to-date on legislation and issues surrounding mental health in Colorado, check out ways to get involved with Jefferson Center's如果您想了解科罗拉多州有关精神健康的立法和问题的最新信息,请查看参与杰斐逊中心(Jefferson Center)精神病院的方法。 政策行动网络 (泛)。 

Living with a mental illness can be difficult, but getting treatment and finding support from others doesn't have to be.患有精神疾病可能很困难,但是不一定要获得治疗并寻求他人的支持。 Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, social class, income, or background and there are plenty of steps you can take to help reduce stigma and discrimination in your community.精神疾病会影响任何人,无论年龄,种族,社会阶层,收入或背景如何,您都可以采取许多措施来减少社区中的污名和歧视。 Even the smallest actions can have a major impact.即使是最小的动作也会产生重大影响。 

The month of May is a great starting point for raising awareness about mental health, but you can be an ally all year long.五月是提高对心理健康意识的一个很好的起点,但是您可以终年成为盟友。 At Jefferson Center, we're dedicated to fighting stigma and breaking down barriers year-round.在杰斐逊中心,我们致力于全年消除污名和打破障碍。 To join us in promoting mental health awareness and accessibility, check out our要与我们一起促进心理健康意识和可及性,请查看我们的 志愿者机会捐赠 加入我们的计划,并注册我们的 每月通讯 紧跟最新的活动,课程和杰斐逊中心为培养更健康,更幸福的社区而采取的行动。 

720/791全天候危机处理中心和取款管理计划在CO 2735的惠特里奇(Wheat Ridge)的844 Wadsworth Blvd开放。



    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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