


It's been a few years since you were in the service and your hair is a little longer, you wake up a little later, and you've probably called in to skip work once or twice because you just didn't feel like going in. You've got a new routine that doesn't include missing birthdays and holidays every other year or shaving every day whether you need it or not.服务已经过去了几年,头发又长了一点,醒了一会儿之后,您可能因为不愿意进去而被要求跳过一两次工作。您已经有了一个新的例程,其中不包括每隔一年缺少生日和假期,或者无论是否需要每天刮胡子。 Perhaps you've started school or a new career and you go to the lake every other weekend like you promised yourself during those long nights in the guard tower during your second deployment.也许您已经开始上学或从事新职业,并且每隔一个周末去湖边,就像您在第二次部署期间在警卫塔漫长的夜晚中向自己保证的那样。 Maybe your stress disappeared when you drove out the gates of Fort Stewart or Camp Lejeune and you've never had a bad day since.当您驶出斯图尔特堡或Lejeune营的大门时,也许您的压力消失了,此后您再也没有过糟糕的一天了。

For some of us veterans, life after the military has been the magical honeymoon that exceeded the wildest daydreams we ever had while waiting for the commander to deliver the Friday afternoon safety brief.对于我们中的一些退伍军人来说,服役之后的生活一直是神奇的蜜月,超过了我们在等待指挥官交付星期五下午安全摘要时所经历过的最荒唐的白日梦。 I've never met any of these men and women, have you?我从未见过这些男人和女人,对吗?

Life is challenging.生活充满挑战。 Stress exists.存在压力。 No different in civilian life than when you wore the uniform.在平民生活中,与穿制服时没有什么不同。 It's hard to avoid.很难避免。 What you can do is make sure you are as prepared as you can be to cope with it.您可以做的就是确保您已做好充分准备以应付它。 We can all benefit from repurposing some of the stress reduction techniques that served us well in the military:重新采用一些在军事上对我们有益的减压技术,我们都可以从中受益:

  1. PT(是的,即使是空军也这样做) –我们无需在早晨6:30或仰卧起坐做记录日志,即可了解运动对身体和精神的好处。 A 20-minute walk during your lunch hour a few times a week will do wonders for your mood.在您的午餐时间里,每周几次步行XNUMX分钟,这会给您带来奇妙的心情。
  2. 在烟坑里闲逛 –好的,作者不建议吸烟。 You worked so hard to kick that habit.你努力工作以养成这种习惯。 Instead, spend some time away from your duties to socialize in an informal setting.取而代之的是花一些时间在非正式场合进行社交活动。 Whether it's the water cooler, the student lounge, or leaning on your lawnmower and talking to your neighbor: Just Do It.无论是饮水机,学生休息室,还是靠在割草机上并与邻居交谈:随便吧。
  3. MRE杰作 –还记得那个可以将一些蔬菜饼干,可可粉和辣酱变成5星级体验的士兵吗? That's called “mastery.”这就是所谓的“掌握”。 What is your “mastery?”你的“精通”是什么? If you know, spend more time doing it.如果您知道,请花更多时间。 If not, figure it out and spend time doing it.如果没有,请弄清楚并花时间去做。
  4. 家里的来信 –无论是基础培训还是部署,邮件通话通常都是一天或一周中最好的部分。 Seeing that someone cared enough about you to write you a real letter was a big deal.看到有人对您足够关心,可以给您写一封真实的信,这很重要。 Send some letters, get some back, repeat.发送一些信件,取回一些信件,重复一次。

The point here is this—as memorable or as tough as some of the times we faced were, we needed each other and we depended on each other.这里的要点是-与我们所面对的某些时代一样令人难忘或艰难,我们彼此需要,我们彼此依赖。 We did it together.我们一起做。 We lived our motto of nobody left behind.我们奉行无人落脚的座右铭。 We still do.我们仍然这样做。 Some of you might not be coping with civilian life as well as you'd like.你们中的某些人可能并没有像您期望的那样应付平民生活。 You and your family know that.您和您的家人都知道。

像您的中士这样的熟练专家(有着70年代过时的大胡子)可以在您最需要的时候传授一些有用的智慧。 就像他告诉你的那样,您将要学习新的东西。 我们将为您提供成功所需的工具,而您并不孤单。 您吸取了从那个人那里学到的教训,并将其应用于未来。 可以说与辅导员一起工作。 与专业人士会面一段时间,学习一些东西,在自己的时间练习它们,然后继续执行任务。 请致电303-432-5054与我们的退伍军人和军事家庭小组联系,以获取更多信息。



    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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