


您是否选择设定新年的决议? If you are at all like me, you may have a long history of New Year's resolutions that never materialized.如果您完全像我一样,那么您对新年决议的悠久历史可能从未实现。 I have a stack of diaries in my basement, reflecting the hope that I would keep a diary.我的地下室有一堆日记,反映出我希望保留日记的希望。 They all have a couple of days where I recorded events and impressions, followed by a volume of snowy white blank pages.他们都有几天记录了事件和印象,随后是大量白雪皑皑的空白页。

I stopped making New Year's resolutions several years ago.几年前,我停止了新年的决议。 I didn't want to disappoint myself anymore.我不想让自己失望了。 But I recently came across some research that says we tend to do better at making significant changes in our lives if we do it at the start of the New Year or some other major occasion (like the start of a new school year).但是我最近遇到了一些研究,该研究表明,如果我们在新年之初或其他重大事件(例如新学年开始)进行改变,我们往往会在生活中做出重大改变。 And most of us have some things we would like to do differently or something we've been wanting to try, but just haven't gotten around to.而且我们大多数人都有一些我们想做不同的事情,或者我们一直想尝试的事情,但是还没有解决。 So what to do?那么该怎么办?

我没有制定新年决心,而是决定对我的“改变计划”更加温和。 我要走“调整路线”。 例如:锻炼。 我很羡慕那些热爱运动、几乎每天都坚持锻炼的人。 我,是一个天生的“蜷缩在沙发上看一本好书”的人。 但当我锻炼时,我确实感觉更好,它让我可以做我喜欢的其他活动,例如周末滑雪,或整天旅行和散步以吸收新环境。 现在还不可能在一周内进行五天的锻炼,但我确实报名参加了为期六周的普拉提课程,这很有趣,即使按时到达那里是一个挑战。

What are some things you'd like to try?您想尝试些什么? Maybe you've wanted to read more but never get around to it or learn about something you've always been curious about.也许您想阅读更多,但从不了解它,也不了解您一直好奇的东西。 Wanting to improve your Spanish?想提高您的西班牙语? Eat healthier?吃得更健康? Quit smoking?戒烟吗Stay in touch with friends?与朋友保持联系?

  • 是现实的。 Try something for a shorter, defined period of time so it won't seem as daunting.在较短的规定时间内尝试操作,这样看起来就不会令人生畏。 If you enjoy it, you can set another defined period of time to do more.如果喜欢,您可以设置另一个定义的时间段以执行更多操作。 If you don't, at least you had one month where you experienced something positive that you've wanted to do and you can feel good about yourself.如果不这样做,至少您有一个月的时间经历了自己想做的积极事情,并且对自己感觉良好。
  • 内置结构。 Take a class.上课。 Get a friend to do the activity with you.找一个朋友和你一起做活动。 Schedule it in your calendar.将其安排在您的日历中。
  • 告诉别人你在做什么。 如果您与家人或朋友分享您的意图,那么您很有可能会坚持下去,因为您知道他们会问您情况如何!
  • 继续前进! There are plenty of things to try, and lots of different ways to achieve goals.有很多事情可以尝试,还有许多实现目标的不同方法。 After you've completed one brief goal, try another, or continue the first one, perhaps with some changes built into it.完成一个简短的目标后,可以尝试另一个目标,或者继续第一个目标,也许会对其进行一些更改。

So think about what you want to try.因此,请考虑您要尝试的内容。 You've had some time to give yourself a break after the hectic pace of the holidays.在假期忙碌的假期过后,您有时间休息一下。 Now you can get back into your routine, but with a little change to enrich yourself.现在,您可以重返日常工作,但需要进行一些改动以丰富自己。 This can be your gift to yourself.这可以是你送给自己的礼物。 Enjoy!请享用!



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