


The rapid spread of the coronavirus has forced us to change our lives in many ways, but one of the most significant alterations has been how we approach human interactions.冠状病毒的迅速传播迫使我们以多种方式改变我们的生活,但是最重要的改变之一是我们如何处理人与人之间的相互作用。 Physical distancing mandates have required us to limit contact with one another and almost all of our socialization has moved to a virtual landscape.物理疏散命令要求我们限制彼此之间的接触,并且几乎我们的所有社交活动都已转移到虚拟环境中。 

For people whose jobs have not been affected by the staggering rise in unemployment, this has likely meant having to adjust to a new remote work environment and an increase in video conferencing and virtual meetings.对于那些工作不受失业率急剧上升影响的人们来说,这可能意味着必须适应新的远程工作环境以及视频会议和虚拟会议的增加。 As for the rest of our social interactions, we've come to rely on video chats, texting, phone calls, and social media to keep us connected.至于其余的社交互动,我们开始依靠视频聊天,短信,电话和社交媒体来保持联系。 

虽然有些人可能仍在寻找补充的社交时间,但其他人开始对过度投入的虚拟社交日历感到倦怠。 以下是您如何判断自己何时达到隔离社交限制的方法,以及杰斐逊中心临床医生艾米·米勒 (Amy Miller) 的建议,告诉您如何在自己的时间范围内建立界限以支持您的心理健康。 


There's no doubt that modern technology has made our transition to this new pandemic lifestyle vastly different than it would have been if the same event had occurred ten or twenty years ago.毫无疑问,现代技术使我们向这种新的大流行生活方式的过渡与十年或二十年前发生同一事件的情况大不相同。 Entire industries have moved to online operations in a matter of weeks, students are able to learn in remote classroom environments, and we're able to have (almost) face-to-face conversations with our loved ones on a daily basis.整个行业在短短几周内就已经转向在线运营,学生们可以在远程教室环境中学习,并且我们能够(几乎)每天与亲人进行面对面的对话。 While it's important to acknowledge and be grateful for these capabilities, access to technology doesn't negate the serious anxiety caused by our fears of getting sick and the stress of having to make drastic alterations to the way we live our lives.尽管承认并感谢这些功能很重要,但是获得技术并不能消除我们对生病的恐惧以及必须对生活方式的重大改变所带来的严重焦虑。 

甚至在大流行之前, 筛选时间使用 was on the rise, but now we are at an all-time high of connectivity.呈上升趋势,但现在我们处于前所未有的连通性。 In fact, Americans are spending an average of实际上,美国人平均花费 每天工作两到三个小时,并在空余的空闲时间里,为每个可用的时段预订虚拟的欢乐时光,咖啡约会或棋盘游戏之夜。 In many ways, this 'busyness' is what keeps us from feeling lost, disconnected, or helpless during a time of such a significant lack of control, but the reality is that all of this time spent being 'on' is tiring.从许多方面来看,这种“忙碌”是使我们在如此严重缺乏控制的时候不会感到迷路,脱节或无助的感觉,但事实是,所有这些“忙碌”所花费的时间都很累。   


When fears over the spread of the virus were mounting and nonessential operations were forced to halt, many people felt a sense of disappointment and apprehension at the idea of not being able to see their loved ones for the foreseeable future.当人们越来越担心这种病毒传播并停止不必要的行动时,许多人对在可预见的未来无法见到亲人的想法感到失望和忧虑。 For some, the result was shifting prior plans to virtual meetups and taking on new commitments as a way of keeping up with对于某些人来说,结果是将先前的计划转移到虚拟聚会上,并做出新的承诺以跟上 每个人 所有的时间。 

也许在大流行之前,您每个月只与祖父母交谈一两次,或者您庆祝侄子毕业的唯一计划就是寄一张贺卡。 现在,您每周轮流与所有祖父母交谈,您将参加长达一小时的虚拟毕业典礼,并在网上参加虚拟余兴派对以及许多其他社交时间。 

这样的 集体压力 to be there for every person in your life because everyone is stuck at home, going through the same isolating experience.因为每个人都被困在家里,经历着相同的隔离经历,所以每个人都在那里。 However, Miller says it's important to acknowledge your own needs and treat yourself with compassion the same way you would treat a friend who was reaching a point of exhaustion.但是,米勒说,重要的是要承认自己的需求,并以同情的态度对待自己,就像对待一个精疲力尽的朋友一样。 It might feel like you can't say no to an invitation because people know you don't have anywhere else to be and because you don't want to cut someone else off from their social support network.似乎您无法拒绝邀请,因为人们知道您无处可去,并且您不想与其他人脱离社交支持网络。 Mix all of this together with work demands, homeschooling and 24/7 parenting, health fears, and the possibility of caring for sick loved ones and you've got a recipe for burnout.将所有这些与工作需求,家庭学校教育和XNUMX/XNUMX全天育儿,对健康的恐惧以及对生病的亲人的照护相结合,您就有了倦怠的秘诀。  


您可能想知道为什么在家工作一天后比在办公室工作后感觉更累。 毕竟,这可能是您过去梦想的工作环境。 那么,为什么您在舒适的沙发上完成完全相同的任务后会感到如此疲惫,为什么您突然害怕与所有最好的朋友一起参加 Zoom 欢乐时光通话呢? 

The answer is complicated.答案很复杂。 First, over the past month, we've come to rely on Zoom, Facetime, Skype, and other videoconferencing applications for almost everything.首先,在过去的一个月中,几乎所有内容都依赖于Zoom,Facetime,Skype和其他视频会议应用程序。 From work to family events and online classrooms to doctor's appointments, we're looking through a screen for从工作,家庭活动,在线教室到医生的约会,我们都在通过屏幕寻找 我们几乎所有的互动。 当我们连续几天呆在同一个地方时,很多过渡环境都会丢失,并且当我们从一个环境移动到下一个环境时,我们会失去很多“重置”效果。 

Second, there's the fact that although we have adapted to rely on technology for most aspects of our lives, we are not biologically designed for exclusively remote encounters.其次,有一个事实,尽管我们已经适应了生活中大部分方面的技术,但我们的生物学设计并不是专门针对远程相遇的。 Audio lag, freezing videos, and dropped connections make for an erratic,音频滞后,视频死机和连接中断会导致不稳定, 脱节的经历 但是还有一个因素,就是我们不断观察自己与他人的互动。 

In a normal social setting, we'd be able to make eye contact, look away, and observe other elements of our surroundings, but in the virtual landscape we're never really making eye contact with the people we're speaking to and it feels like our attention can never be directed away from the screen.在正常的社交环境中,我们能够进行眼神交流,将视线移开并观察周围环境的其他元素,但是在虚拟环境中,我们从来不会真正与与之交谈的人进行眼神交流,感觉我们的注意力永远不会离开屏幕。 Videoconferencing is a type of extended performance that feels like it has no end.视频会议是一种无止境的扩展性能。 

On top of all of this is the fact that video chats are a constant reminder that our lives are currently not normal.最重要的是,视频聊天不断提醒我们目前的生活不正常。 As much as we try to maintain our routines, there's the underlying fact that so much has changed and many things are out of our control.尽管我们尽力维护例程,但存在一个根本事实,那就是已经发生了很大的变化,许多事情都无法控制。 


尽管 倦怠 is often associated with the working world, reaching a limit can happen with any environment or activity.通常与工作环境有关,在任何环境或活动中都可能达到极限。 This applies to virtual socializing.这适用于虚拟社交。 Some common signs that you're reaching the burnout stage include:即将达到倦怠阶段的一些常见迹象包括: 

  • 玩世不恭的人
  • 情感疏远 
  • 身体不适,例如头痛和胃痛
  • 精神不振
  • 降低绩效或参与度 
  • 缺乏创造力 

The threat that burnout presents isn't just feeling tired or spread too thin, but not wanting to partake in an activity altogether.精疲力尽所带来的威胁不仅仅是感到疲倦或散布得太细,而且不想完全参加一项活动。 In the professional sphere, this might mean a huge dip in productivity, but when it comes to virtual socializing, burnout can mean lasting mental impacts and damaged relationships.在专业领域,这可能意味着生产力大幅度下降,但是当涉及虚拟社交时,倦怠可能意味着持久的精神影响和破坏的人际关系。 Miller also says to look out for signs of acute stress such as exhaustion, poor sleeping patterns, changes in eating habits, increased irritability, and physical pains such as headaches or stomach aches which can be warning signs that you're spreading yourself too thin.米勒还说要注意一些急性压力的迹象,例如精疲力尽,睡眠方式差,饮食习惯改变,饮食烦恼,烦躁不安以及身体疼痛(例如头痛或胃痛),这可能是警告信号,表明您太分散了自己。  


有些视频会议是您无法避免的。 例如,大多数已经过渡到在家工作的人都应该参加虚拟团队会议或演示。 然而,您仍然有很多选择来重新控制您进行的虚拟社交活动的数量。 通过将演示模式切换到演讲者视图而不是画廊视图,让自己在视频会议上休息一下,这样您就可以一次将注意力集中在一张脸上。 此外,您可以简单地关闭某些会议的视频或选择尽可能拨打电话。 

After an entire day spent working from your webcam, it's okay if you don't want to chat with your friends.经过一整天的网络摄像头工作之后,如果您不想与朋友聊天就可以了。 Mental health experts say it's all about精神卫生专家说这全是关于 寻找平衡 并确认您的个人需求。 

对于性格比较外向的人来说,虚拟聚会可能是他们在大流行期间自我保健和对抗孤立的最佳形式。 然而,对于内向的人来说,这可能会对他们的心理健康产生反作用。 

反思您的虚拟时间并确定您在通话之前、期间和之后的感受可以帮助您确定花多少时间进行社交。 如果在网上签署另一次 Zoom 通话的想法让你感到压抑,或者在与家人的群聊后感到完全精疲力尽,那么可以拒绝下一次邀请,并告诉你所爱的人你需要一些时间来充电。 


Being alone can often be confused with being lonely, but there's a significant difference between the two.孤独常常可以与孤独相混淆,但是两者之间存在显着差异。 There are plenty of psychological downsides to social isolation and loneliness, which can lead to社会孤立和孤独在心理上有很多弊端,这可能导致 沮丧感增加 over time.随着时间的推移。 However, research also shows that time spent alone voluntarily can offer a variety of但是,研究还表明,自愿花时间可以提供多种 好处。 Some of the advantages of solitude include:孤独的一些优点包括:

  • 提高注意力和记忆力
  • 提升创造力
  • 提高生产率 
  • 更有同情心 
  • 改善了关系 
  • 是时候优先考虑您的兴趣了



At the end of the day, the pandemic has affected everyone differently which means that each person's individual needs will vary.最终,大流行对每个人的影响不同,这意味着每个人的个人需求将有所不同。 It might be helpful to think of quantity versus quality when it comes to planning your virtual socializing calendar.规划虚拟社交日历时,考虑数量与质量可能会有所帮助。 Miller says that knowing your capacity for engaging in conversations and clearly communicating your limits can help you maintain healthier relationships.米勒说,了解自己进行对话的能力和清楚地传达自己的极限可以帮助您保持更健康的关系。 

If you're finding that you need more time to yourself, don't feel guilty for limiting your social interactions.如果您发现自己需要更多时间,不要为限制社交互动而感到内。 You can get the solitude you need by unplugging and disconnecting from your devices for an hour or two, blocking off alone time in your schedule each day, or even just going to another room and closing the door.您可以通过断开或断开设备一两个小时的连接来获得所需的孤独感,每天在计划中单独阻塞一次,甚至只是去另一个房间然后关上门。 Respect your own boundaries by knowing when to call it quits before you reach the point of burnout and simply explain this to your loved ones.通过在到达倦怠点之前知道何时退出它来尊重自己的界限,并向亲人解释一下。 Who knows, they might even be feeling the socializing fatigue too.谁知道,他们甚至可能也会感到社交疲劳。 

无论您是一个喜欢独处的内向者,还是一个热衷于建立联系的外向者,认识到自己的虚拟社交限制并花时间与外界断开联系都可以有益于您的整体健康。 要了解有关 COVID-19 期间健康社交和维持关系的更多信息, 观看网络研讨会 由杰斐逊中心临床医生艾米·米勒(Amy Miller)托管,或查看我们的网站以了解 服务 我们提供。 

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