


For millions of children, the end of summer means the beginning of their first year in school.对于数百万的孩子来说,夏天的结束意味着他们第一年上学的开始。 Due to the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding schools reopening, many children will be attending their first day of school virtually from home and some parents might be wondering what this will look like.由于大流行和学校重新开放的不确定性,许多孩子几乎都会在家中上学,有些父母可能想知道这会是什么样子。 

Kindergarten is an exciting time for learning, growth, and exploration as your child becomes more independent.随着您的孩子变得更加独立,幼儿园是学习,成长和探索的激动人心的时刻。 Although their first day of kindergarten might look very different from your memories of going to school, you can still prepare your child to have a fun and exciting year of learning from the comfort of home.尽管他们上幼儿园的第一天可能看起来与您上学的回忆截然不同,但是您仍然可以让孩子准备在舒适的家中度过有趣而激动人心的一年。 



无论您是要在家庭学校环境中自己指导孩子,还是要帮助他们从学校学习在线课程,您的孩子都可能会有一些 有关期望的问题和疑虑。 For children who have never attended any type of group daycare or school program, the entire idea of school can seem overwhelming.对于从未参加过任何形式的团体日托或学校课程的孩子,整个学校的想法似乎是压倒性的。 

Make space for your child to come to you with their questions and be sure to reassure them that you'll be there to help if needed.为您的孩子腾出空间来回答他们的问题,并确保让他们放心,如果需要的话,您会在那里提供帮助。 You can help your child feel more comfortable with the transition by talking to them about what their days of online school might look like and what activities they might do.您可以通过与孩子谈论他们上网的日子以及他们可能从事的活动来帮助您的孩子适应过渡。 You can also involve your child in the process of getting ready for school by letting them pick out their school supplies (like notebooks, markers, and backpacks), even if they will be learning from home.您也可以让孩子挑选学校用品(例如笔记本,马克笔和背包),让他们参与上学的准备工作,即使他们将在家中学习。 


尽管您可能对孩子的虚拟学习环境有一些期望,但可以诚实地告诉他们您并不确切知道它会是什么样子。 此外,虽然许多学校实际上已经开始了新学年,但没有人知道基于各种因素,一两个月后学校的时间表会是什么样子。 

Keep your child prepared for the possibility of change and avoid making any promises about if and when they will be able to attend in-person classes.让您的孩子为改变的可能性做好准备,并避免对他们是否以及何时能够参加面对面课程做出任何承诺。 Be sure to present your child with information about schedule changes in an请确保在您的孩子要了解的时间表更改信息中 适当的年龄 manner and keep them informed about changes as you become aware of new schedules.当您了解新的时间表时,请保持他们的态度,并及时通知他们有关更改的信息。 Children will often rely on their imaginations to fill in the gaps when they have questions and lack information.当孩子们有疑问和缺乏信息时,他们通常会依靠自己的想象力来填补空白。 


Children thrive when they feel safe and secure.孩子在感到安全和有保障时会壮成长。 Even in the midst of a pandemic when there is so much uncertainty, you can help your child feel a sense of predictability and control by helping to即使在大流行期间,不确定性如此之大,您也可以通过以下方法帮助您的孩子感受到可预测性和控制感: 建立强大的例程。 Some key routines might include:一些关键例程可能包括: 

  • 每天在同一时间醒来
  • 每天与父母一起阅读至少20分钟
  • 和家人一起在餐桌上吃饭 
  • 按照一致的顺序进行就寝活动(例如洗澡,刷牙,穿睡衣)
  • 每天在同一时间上床睡觉 



在这个年龄段,孩子只能专注于一项活动或主题 15或20分钟 at a time.一次。 Be sure to incorporate lots of little breaks for playing throughout the school day, especially if you have more control over what their schedule will look like.确保在整个上学期间玩很多小休息,尤其是如果您可以更好地控制他们的日程安排。 If you're working from home, this will also be a good time to start establishing boundaries around your work time and making it clear to your child that they will need to occupy themselves for short periods of time while you complete other tasks.如果您在家工作,这也是开始在工作时间周围建立界限的好时机,并让您的孩子清楚在完成其他任务时他们需要在短时间内占据自己的位置。 Adults can provide children with options for safe activities like playing with building blocks, board games, or listening to music to keep them entertained throughout the day.成人可以为儿童提供安全活动的选择,例如玩积木,棋盘游戏或听音乐,以使他们全天娱乐。 


Self-efficacy means that your child feels like they have agency or control within their own lives and it is a crucial element to raising independent, confident children.自我效能感意味着您的孩子感觉自己在自己的生活中拥有代理或控制的能力,这对养育独立,自信的孩子至关重要。 Developing a sense of形成一种 自我效能感 在不确定的时期,当孩子可以开始在他们的生活中扮演更加积极的角色时,这一点尤为重要。 

例如,这可能从较小的任务开始,例如您的孩子能够自己穿衣服或洗手。 您可以承担更大的任务,例如在厨房帮忙做饭或在家里收拾东西。 当孩子能够独立完成任务时,他们会感觉更好地控制周围的世界,并对自己度过困难或具有挑战性的情况的能力充满信心。 


Oftentimes, children will mirror the way adults respond to stressful situations.通常,儿童会反映成年人对压力情况的反应方式。 If you find yourself wanting to pull your hair out every time you and your child sit down to read a book or solve a math problem, your child will quickly pick up on your frustration and other behaviors.如果您发现自己想在您和孩子每次坐下读书或解决数学问题时拔头发,您的孩子就会很快感到沮丧和其他行为。 

Model healthy ways to handle stress as well as establish boundaries around alone time.模拟健康的方式来处理压力以及在单独的时间周围建立界限。 Adults can practice healthy coping skills by engaging in deep breathing, meditation, journaling, yoga, or any number of other成人可以通过深呼吸,冥想,日记,瑜伽或其他多种方式练习健康的应对技巧 自我照顾行为 and explaining their importance to their children.并解释他们对孩子的重要性。 Additionally, if you start to struggle with very high levels of stress or anxiety, take care of yourself and your family by seeking out此外,如果您开始承受很高的压力或焦虑,请寻求帮助,照顾好自己和家人 专业精神卫生服务。 As the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup.俗话说,你不能倒空杯子。 


With solid routines and strong relationships, most children will be able to get through difficult situations after an adjustment period.有了扎实的套路和牢固的人际关系,大多数孩子在适应期过后就能渡过难关。 However, if you notice your child is routinely having a difficult time adapting to changes, you might need to speak to a professional.但是,如果您发现孩子通常很难适应变化,那么您可能需要与专业人士交谈。 Here are some signs to watch for that might signal it's这里有一些迹象需要注意,这可能表明它是 时间寻求专业帮助:

  • 经常做恶梦
  • 过度关注焦虑 
  • 愤怒或侵略加剧 
  • 回归行为
  • 上厕所事故,即使经过便盆训练 

许多精神卫生专业人员能够通过以下方式与家人见面 远程医疗服务,因此您无需去办公室亲自预约即可解决孩子的需求。 

Regardless of whether your child is starting kindergarten in a classroom or in your living room, your attitude can help them have a successful year full of new adventures, discoveries, and opportunities to grow.无论您的孩子是在教室里还是在客厅里上幼儿园,您的态度都可以帮助他们度过成功的一年,其中充满了新的冒险,发现和成长的机会。 It may not be the school year you or your child were expecting, but it will certainly be a memorable one!可能不是您或您的孩子所期望的学年,但肯定会令人难忘!

要了解有关如何帮助孩子应对困难情况的更多信息,或在困难时期获得育儿方面的建议,请查看我们的 网络研讨会 并注册我们的 每月通讯 紧跟最新的活动,课程和杰斐逊中心为培养更健康,更幸福的社区而采取的行动。

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