


Between socializing, parenting, running errands, and working, the coronavirus has significantly altered the way we live our lives.在社交,养育子女,办事和工作之间,冠状病毒极大地改变了我们的生活方式。 For many people, the public health crisis has meant a sudden shift to remote work environments as officials stress the importance of social distancing.对于许多人来说,公共卫生危机意味着官员们强调了社会疏远的重要性,突然转向了偏远的工作环境。 

While there are certainly benefits to working from home, the transition can be difficult and finding balance within your life can become more complicated.虽然在家工作肯定有好处,但过渡可能会很困难,并且在生活中寻求平衡会变得更加复杂。 If COVID-19 has left you feeling burnt out, overworked, and stressed, here are some ways you can manage your work-from-home environment to create a better work-life balance.如果COVID-XNUMX使您感到疲倦,劳累和压力,这里有一些方法可以管理您的在家工作环境,以创造更好的工作与生活平衡。  


Although some might interpret the remote work setting as a chance to buckle down and use free time for maximum productivity, others might feel overwhelmed by the number of changes in such a short period of time.尽管有些人可能将远程工作设置解释为有机会屈服并利用空闲时间以最大程度地提高生产力,但其他人可能会在这么短的时间内感到不知所措。 When it comes to creating balance, Jefferson Center clinician Angela Quinn says that one of the first things you need to do is manage your expectations and give yourself understanding and forgiveness.谈到建立平衡时,杰斐逊中心临床医生安吉拉·奎因(Angela Quinn)说,您需要做的第一件事就是控制自己的期望并给予自己理解和宽恕。 

“您的骨骼将不得不调整,您的肌肉将不得不调整。 If your leg became a little weak or fatigued because it's suddenly balancing all of your weight, you wouldn't criticize yourself for it.如果您的腿由于突然平衡了所有体重而变得有点无力或疲倦,则您不会为此而自责。 This is how we should approach ourselves and our reactions to this situation.”这就是我们应该如何对待自己以及我们对这种情况的反应。” 



At work, you have a dedicated workspace, whether that's a cubicle, an office, or a coworking area.在工作中,您有一个专用的工作区,无论是小隔间,办公室还是共用工作区。 You know where your tools are and you have all the equipment and devices needed to complete your daily tasks.您知道自己的工具在哪里,并且拥有完成日常任务所需的所有设备。 However, when your company suddenly switches to remote working, you might not have those same tools, the same private space, or even a desk to work at.但是,当您的公司突然切换到远程工作时,您可能没有相同的工具,相同的私人空间,甚至没有办公桌。 This is especially true for parents and caregivers who are tasked with homeschooling during the coronavirus.对于在冠状病毒期间负责在家上学的父母和照顾者来说尤其如此。 

创建 指定的工作区 is essential to creating balance and making a clear divide between your work hours and your free time.对于创造平衡并在工作时间和空闲时间之间进行清晰的划分至关重要。 This might mean claiming a portion of the kitchen table or a specific room in the house.这可能意味着要求获得部分厨房桌子或房屋中的特定房间。 Wherever you decide to set up your work area, make sure other people living with you know this is your “office” so you can create healthy boundaries.无论您决定在哪里设置工作区,都要确保与您一起生活的其他人知道这是您的“办公室”,以便您可以建立健康的界限。


In a normal workday, you would have probably stopped to chat with a coworker in the hallway, get up to refill your coffee or tea, and left the office for a lunch meeting.在正常的工作日中,您可能会停止在走廊与同事聊天,起身为咖啡或茶加气,然后离开办公室参加午餐会议。 When you're working from home it can be more difficult to find those break times, especially if you're feeling extra pressure to perform and “当您在家工作时,发现这些休息时间会更加困难,尤其是当您感到执行和练习的压力更大时,显示你的价值”给您的雇主。 In fact, one study found that the实际上,一项研究发现 平均工作日增加了三个小时 自XNUMX月中旬开始在美国上市。 

一定要在一天中安排定期休息,并将这些休息时间记入日历中,让自己对这些休息时间负责。 与家人一起吃午餐或散步是远离工作消磨精神时光的好方法。 通过定期让自己离开工作环境 10 或 15 分钟,当您回到计算机前时,您会感到精神焕发并准备好高效工作,而不是疲惫不堪且无法集中注意力。 


When you physically go to work, you tend to have a routine that you follow that has many visual and physical cues.当您身体上班时,您倾向于遵循一个具有许多视觉和物理提示的例程。 For example, when you wake up, you probably get ready for the day by getting dressed, eating breakfast, and gathering your things to begin your commute.例如,当您醒来时,您可能会穿上衣服,吃早餐并收集东西以开始上下班,为这一天做好准备。 At the end of the day, you might clear out your email inbox, say goodbye to coworkers, and settle into the commute back home.在一天结束时,您可能会清空电子邮件收件箱,与同事们道别,然后回到通勤回家的路上。 For people that are working remotely, these transition times are lost, which means it can be easy to have your work seep into your home life.对于在远程工作的人们来说,这些转换时间会浪费掉,这意味着将您的工作渗入家庭生活很容易。 

Create cues for yourself to know when it's time to begin working and when it's time to stop working.创建提示,让自己知道何时该开始工作以及何时该停止工作。 For some people,对于有些人, 模仿通勤 might be helpful.可能会有所帮助。 If you're used to driving to work, consider taking a brief walk around the block each morning to help you set your intentions for the workday and another walk in the evening to help you clear your mind.如果您习惯开车去上班,可以考虑每天早晨在街区短暂走一圈,以帮助您设定工作日的意图,晚上再走一遍,以帮助您清醒头脑。 Additionally, turning off your computer can be an easy way to create boundaries between your work time and your home time since you'll be less likely to send just one more email.此外,关闭计算机是在工作时间和家庭时间之间建立界限的一种简便方法,因为您发送另一封电子邮件的可能性较小。


Routines and schedules help us feel a sense of control in our lives.例行程序和时间表可以使我们感到生活中的控制感。 When our work routines are significantly altered, we can feel like we don't know where to begin or how to be productive during the workday.当我们的工作程序发生重大变化时,我们会感到好像不知道在工作日从哪里开始或如何提高工作效率。 Creating a new schedule can be beneficial to regain that sense of control, but you should approach the schedule with some flexibility.创建一个新的时间表可能有助于恢复这种控制感,但是您应该以一定的灵活性来处理时间表。 “Keeping a regular schedule before the pandemic probably looks significantly different than keeping a schedule now,” says Quinn.奎因说:“在大流行前保持常规时间表可能与现在保持时间表明显不同。” 

无论您是独自与室友一起生活,还是在家中照顾孩子, 建立例行程序 that works best for your situation will be key.最适合您的情况将是关键。 Just remember that not every day will go according to plan and that's completely normal.请记住,并非每天都会按计划进行,这是完全正常的。 


One of the best ways to weather a rough transition is to be open and honest about your needs.应对艰难过渡的最好方法之一是对您的需求坦诚相待。 Overcommunication is essential, especially during a time of social distancing and increased isolation.沟通过度是必不可少的,尤其是在社会疏远和日益孤立的时期。 Your boss won't be able to see if you're having a hard time managing tasks and your family might not know you're working on an important project if you don't tell them.如果您不告诉老板,您的老板将无法查看您是否难以管理任务,而家人可能不知道您正在从事一项重要的项目。 

Be upfront with your family members by telling them what you have going on and being respectful of their responsibilities.告诉家人您最近的生活并尊重他们的责任,与家人保持领先。 This applies to your professional relationships as well.这也适用于您的专业关系。 If you feel overwhelmed by your workload or you're struggling to make connections in a remote setting, talk to your manager and look for solutions together.如果您对工作量感到不知所措,或者您想在远程环境中建立连接,请与您的经理联系并一起寻找解决方案。 主动沟通 可以帮助避免混乱的情况和挫败感。 


Recognizing and acknowledging the complexity of the situation is a key element in creating a work-life balance.认识并认识到情况的复杂性是创造工作与生活平衡的关键因素。 Quinn emphasizes the importance of carving out time for yourself as a way to prevent burnout, especially when you start saying things like “I don't have time for self-care” or “I don't have time to worry about myself.”奎因(Quinn)强调了为自己安排时间的重要性,以防止倦怠,特别是当您开始说“我没有时间进行自我护理”或“我没有时间担心自己”之类的事情时。 Consistency and keeping commitments to yourself are key to maintaining your mental health during this time.保持一致性和对自己的承诺是这段时间保持心理健康的关键。 If you find yourself often forgoing self-care or moments of pause, enlist the help of others to hold you accountable.如果您发现自己经常放弃自我照顾或停顿片刻,请寻求他人的帮助来追究您的责任。 

如果您发现调整仍然有困难,或者情绪明显下降,那么全天监控情绪和身体反应将是确定何时需要专业帮助的好方法。 奎因(Quinn)建议使用简单的跟踪系统,每天以XNUMX到XNUMX的等级进行排名。 如果您发现每天的排名都在下降,则应考虑与治疗师,医生或辅导员交谈。 

有关如何管理工作生活界限的更多提示和技巧, 观看我们的网络研讨会,在COVID-19期间寻求平衡,或在杰斐逊中心与我们联系以了解有关我们的更多信息 服务

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