



Suicide is preventable and help is always available.自杀是可以预防的,可以随时获得帮助。 According to surveys conducted by the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention,根据全国预防自杀行动联盟的调查, 94美国人的百分比 相信自杀是可以预防的,另一个 81成年人的百分比 want suicide prevention to be a national priority.希望预防自杀成为国家优先事项。 By getting informed and getting involved, everyone can play a part in raising awareness about suicide prevention.通过了解情况并参与进来,每个人都可以在提高对预防自杀的认识中发挥作用。 Here's what you need to know to change a life.这是您改变生活所需要知道的。 


Suicide does not have one single cause;自杀没有单一原因。 it is a complex issue.这是一个复杂的问题。 Suicide is also自杀也是 预防的。 Oftentimes, people can be struggling with a combination of difficult circumstances or situations that go通常,人们可能会遇到各种困难情况或情况 未诊断和未解决。 While the existence of risk factors will not predict whether someone attempts or dies by suicide, they can increase the likelihood of someone taking action toward ending their own life.尽管危险因素的存在无法预测某人是否会自杀或死于自杀,但它们可以增加某人采取行动结束自己的生命的可能性。 Some of these其中一些 风险因素 可以包括: 

  • 精神障碍和情绪障碍
  • 物质使用障碍
  • 重大身体或慢性疾病
  • 最近失去了一段关系或工作 
  • 童年虐待,忽视或创伤
  • 自杀家族史
  • 自残史
  • 性攻击 
  • 曾尝试自杀  
  • 轻松获得致命手段 

重要的是要注意到这一点 危险因素在各组之间也可能有所不同 depending on age, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other characteristics.取决于年龄,种族,文化,性取向,性别认同和其他特征。 For example, historical trauma suffered by American Indians and the prejudice and discrimination faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community are two examples that can contribute to the high rates of suicide within these populations.例如,美洲印第安人遭受的历史创伤以及LGBTQ +社区成员所面临的偏见和歧视就是两个例子,这可能导致这些人群中的自杀率很高。 In fact, research shows that LGBTQ+ youth are实际上,研究表明LGBTQ +青少年 可能性的五倍 与异性恋青年相比自杀未遂。 


No two people are the same which means one person might display a combination of warning signs while another person might display one;没有两个人是同一个人,这意味着一个人可能同时显示警告标志,而另一个人可能同时显示一个警告标志。 however, both may be at equal risk.但是,两者可能处于同等风险。 Knowing whether behaviors are new, have increased, or seem related to stressful events or changes can help you determine when you should ask someone about suicide.知道行为是新的,增加的还是与压力大的事件或变化有关的,可以帮助您确定何时应该向某人询问自杀情况。 Here are some这里有一些 警告标志 找出可能表明有人处于危险中的方法: 

  • 谈论要死
  • 感到无望或无目的
  • 谈论被困或痛苦的感觉 
  • 谈论成为别人的负担
  • 增加饮酒或吸毒
  • 睡眠,饮食和卫生状况发生重大变化 
  • 退出社交圈 
  • 工作或学校成绩下降
  • 焦虑,躁动或鲁re感增加
  • 极端的情绪波动 
  • 赠送珍贵的物品
  • 突然感到平静或安宁 

All warning signs of suicide should be taken seriously.所有自杀的警告信号都应认真对待。 On average, there are over平均而言, 每年有48,000例自杀 而且对于每一次自杀,估计还有25个人企图自杀,因此,即使谈话似乎是令人生畏的和私下的,与人们谈论自杀也很重要。 

大多数想到自杀的人并不真的想终结自己的生命。 他们只是想从正在经历的强烈情感痛苦中解脱出来,并且看不到解决问题的可行方案。 


 围绕自杀的耻辱 often prevents people from approaching the subject with someone they're concerned about out of fear of offending them or putting the idea of suicide in their minds.通常会因为担心冒犯他人或将自杀观念带入人们的头脑而使人们无法与所关注的人接触这个话题。 However, this could not be farther from the truth.但是,这离事实还很遥远。 In fact,事实上, 研究表明,承认自杀的威胁实际上可能 减少自杀念头。 这里有一些 您可以采取的行动 如果您认为某人可能有自杀的危险。 

  1. 直接询问– asking someone directly, “are you thinking of suicide?”直接问一个人,“你想自杀吗?” can be the open door to a conversation that they've been needing.可能是他们一直在进行的对话的门户。 
  2. 成为积极的倾听者– be there to listen with compassion and empathy.在那里聆听同情和同情心。 Avoiding judgemental or dismissive statements that might make someone recede from the conversation.避免可能使某人退出对话的判断性或不屑一顾的陈述。 
  3. 确保他们的安全– do not leave someone alone if they are thinking about suicide.如果他们正在考虑自杀,请不要让一个人孤独。 If you think the person is in immediate danger, call 911 or take them to the nearest emergency room.如果您认为此人有即时危险,请致电XNUMX或将他们带到最近的急诊室。 
  4. 将它们连接以帮助– 找出他们可以联系谁寻求帮助,无论是 治疗师,医生,朋友或家人。 Help them feel supported and offer resources to get professional assistance.帮助他们感到支持,并提供资源以获得专业帮助。 For additional support, reach out to the Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255 or text “TALK” to 38255.如需其他支持,请致电XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX与科罗拉多危机服务联系,或在XNUMX上输入“ TALK”。
  5. 再次签到– 在危机发生后的几天和几周内与该人进行跟进,以使他们知道您正在考虑他们。


There's plenty you can do to break the stigma, encourage people to seek help early on, and change the conversation from suicide to suicide prevention and awareness.您可以做很多事情来打破耻辱感,鼓励人们尽早寻求帮助,并将对话从自杀转变为预防自杀和提高认识。 Here's what you can do to support suicide prevention year-round.这是您全年可以采取的支持自杀预防的措施。 


  • 问题,说服和推荐(QPR)– 3 simple steps that anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.任何人都可以学习的XNUMX个简单步骤,可以帮助您免于自杀。 Just as people trained in CPR help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.正如接受过CPR培训的人每年可以挽救成千上万人的生命一样,接受QPR培训的人也学会了如何识别自杀危机的警告信号,以及如何质疑,说服和转介某人来进行帮助。 在这里找到课程
  • safeTALK自杀警觉训练– 为期3小时的培训公开地解决了围绕自杀的污名化问题,并使参与者更加了解社区中预防自杀的机会。 在这里找到课程


The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has chapters and events all across the country that you can join to learn more about preventing suicide in your community.美国预防自杀基金会在全国各地设有分会和活动,您可以参加以了解更多关于在社区中预防自杀的内容。 To take action with AFSP,要对AFSP采取行动, 访问他们的网站 了解有关参加步行、志愿服务等的信息。


Jefferson Center works closely with the community to offer free suicide prevention training courses to those interested in learning more.杰斐逊中心与社区紧密合作,为有兴趣的人提供免费的预防自杀培训课程。 To help us continue offering these valuable courses for free,为了帮助我们继续免费提供这些有价值的课程, 考虑捐款 ! 


Talking and learning about suicide is new for many people, whether you're educating yourself on the signs and symptoms or helping someone through a crisis.对于许多人来说,谈论和学习自杀是新事物,无论您是在教育自己的症状和体式,还是帮助某人度过危机。 Be sure to take time for yourself to recuperate and refill your cup by engaging in regular一定要花些时间让自己恢复体力,并定期进行补充运动。 自我保健

720/791全天候危机处理中心和取款管理计划在CO 2735的惠特里奇(Wheat Ridge)的844 Wadsworth Blvd开放。



科罗拉多危机服务:1-844-493-8255或文本“ TALK”到38255

美基金会预防自杀:800-273-8255或向“ 741741”输入文字“ TALK”




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