


How many times have you heard the words 'I'm fine' when you asked your husband/boyfriend/father/son/friend about their mental health?当您问您的丈夫/男朋友/父亲/儿子/朋友关于他们的心理健康时,您听过几次“我很好”的字眼? The truth is that it can be tricky to start a dialogue with men about the emotional and mental challenges they might be facing because they've been taught to “man up” or “get over it.”事实是,与男人就他们可能面临的情感和精神挑战进行对话可能很棘手,因为他们被教导要“站起来”或“克服它”。 While these barriers and societal expectations might be difficult to break down, you don't need to have special training to have an open conversation about mental health with your loved ones.尽管可能很难消除这些障碍和社会期望,但您无需接受特殊培训即可与亲人进行有关心理健康的公开对话。 



Unlike physical health challenges, mental health challenges aren't always immediately obvious.与身体健康挑战不同,心理健康挑战并非总是立即可见。 While you might not always know exactly what's going on with someone, changes in mood or behavior are generally good indicators of an underlying problem.虽然您可能并不总是确切知道某人的状况,但情绪或行为的变化通常是潜在问题的良好指示。 Even if you're not sure of the difficulties someone might be facing, you can open the conversation by making an observation about something that has been different recently.即使您不确定某人可能面临的困难,您也可以通过观察最近发生的变化来打开对话。 

“嘿,我注意到您最近似乎比平时有点累。 Is everything okay?”一切都好吗?” 

By noticing a simple change in mood or behavior, you can show your concern without making assumptions that could cause someone to feel defensive or cornered.通过注意到情绪或行为的简单变化,您就可以表达自己的担忧,而无需做出可能导致某人感到防御或陷入困境的假设。 For men who have a hard time talking directly about their feelings, this can be an effective way to work toward the emotional part of an issue by talking about surrounding factors first.对于那些很难直接谈论自己的感受的男人,这可能是一种有效的方法,可以通过首先谈论周围的因素来解决问题的情感部分。 


One of the biggest barriers men face when seeking help for their mental health is isolation and the fear of being singled out or different.男性在寻求心理健康帮助时面临的最大障碍之一是孤独感以及对被挑出来或与众不同的恐惧。 For many men who grow up in a对于许多在 阳刚之气的培养,脆弱性被视为软弱的表现,并且常常与女性化产生负面联系。 这在诸如“男子汉”和“不要像女孩一样哭泣”等常见短语中出现。 通常,这些有毒的信念会变得根深蒂固,其结果是: 与其他性别相比,男性寻求医疗或心理帮助的可能性较小


“您知道,当我度过抑郁症时,我很难专注于工作。 Does that sound like what you're going through right now?”这听起来像您现在正在经历的事情吗?” 

通过分享自己的经验,您不仅可以帮助 规范心理健康 还可以帮助对方感到安全和被理解。


“干预式”对话可能会令人生畏,并导致某人完全退出对话。 Instead, try to engage with them during an activity that they enjoy.相反,尝试在他们喜欢的活动中与他们互动。 

“看起来您可以使用一些新鲜空气。 Do you want to go for a walk and talk?”您想去散步和聊天吗?” 

步行是一项奇妙的活动,可以提供很多 身心健康福利 —已经证明可以缓解或减轻压力,改善人的认知(思维)并减轻抑郁,焦虑症甚至精神分裂症的症状。


You might not always know what's going on with someone, but there will be times when you're aware of particularly difficult situations or you know that this person has experienced mental illness in the past.您可能并不总是知道某人的病情,但是有时您会意识到特别困难的情况,或者您知道此人过去曾患过精神疾病。 In these cases, you can be more direct while still being respectful and demonstrating your genuine concern.在这些情况下,您可以更直接,同时仍然要恭敬并表现出您的真诚关注。 


By directly addressing the issue, you open up the door to a conversation that the other person might have felt awkward or embarrassed about bringing up first.通过直接解决该问题,您打开了另一个人可能会感到尴尬或尴尬的对话的大门。 You can also leave it open-ended and let them know that you'll be there to listen to them and talk whenever they're ready.您也可以将其设为开放式,并让他们知道您随时准备在他们身边聆听并交谈。 


If you get brushed off with responses like “I'm fine” or “I'm okay” when you try to broach the subject of mental health, be sure to ask twice and show that you really are interested.如果您在尝试提出心理健康问题时被诸如“我很好”或“我很好”之类的回答所吓倒,请务必询问两次并表明您确实有兴趣。 Plenty of大量的 男人觉得他们不需要寻求帮助 and it's easy to let the conversation slip away if the concerned party doesn't press further.如果相关方不进一步按此按钮,很容易让对话消失。 In this case, an effective strategy is to make sure you ask them the question a second time.在这种情况下,一种有效的策略是确保您第二次问他们这个问题。

“不,真的,你好吗? I care about you.”我很关心你。” 

研究发现,当被询问时, 78%的人说即使在精神健康问题上挣扎也没问题。 Concerns like doubting whether people really want to hear the honest answer and not wanting to burden others were cited as the main reasons people avoided these conversations.人们担心诸如避免人们真的想听到诚实的回答而不愿意负担别人的负担是人们避免这些对话的主要原因。 However, that second ask might be the opening someone has been waiting for to finally talk about it.但是,第二个问题可能是有人一直在等待最后谈论它的机会。


Everyone faces challenges and obstacles in life that can knock you down, but some difficulties can weigh heavier than others and become a mental illness.每个人都面临生活中的挑战和障碍,这些挑战和障碍可能会打倒您,但某些困难可能会比其他事情重得多,并成为精神疾病。 If you begin to notice warning signs in yourself or others such as substance abuse or addiction, increased risk-taking behavior, a loss of interest in passions or hobbies, and changes in diet or routine, it might be time to get professional help.如果您开始注意到自己或他人的警告信号,例如滥用药物或成瘾,冒险行为增加,对激情或嗜好失去兴趣,饮食或常规饮食有所变化,那么可能是时候寻求专业帮助了。 Organizations like像这样的组织 抬头的家伙 offer free online depression self-check tools to help you identify warning signs.提供免费的在线抑郁症自我检查工具,以帮助您识别警告信号。 Jefferson Center also offers a wide variety of杰斐逊中心还提供各种 行为健康服务 适用于成人,老年人和儿童,以帮助您应对任何心理健康挑战。

为了你生活中男性的心理健康,大声疾呼并与耻辱作斗争非常重要。 我们都有心理健康问题,当我们面临生活中的困难时刻时,我们都应该能够谈论它们。 无论是朋友、家人还是同事,您都可以打开进行真正对话的大门,并为他们提供成长所需的帮助。 

Want to take these tips with you wherever you go?想要随身携带这些技巧吗? Click on the image to download our visual guide, “Ways to Start a Conversation About Mental Health With the Men in Your Life.”单击图像下载我们的视觉指南,“如何与生活中的男人开始有关心理健康的对话”。  

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    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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