


您经常会听到这样的说法:每年的这个时候,天气炎热,人们有更多的空闲时间,感到放松,甚至有些懒惰。 而不是让我们感到停滞的“休假日”,为什么不在学校外出时对您的生活进行一些简单的改变呢?

Studies show that taking care of your physical health can help improve your mental health.研究表明,照顾好身体健康可以帮助改善心理健康。 Try some of these ideas:尝试以下一些想法:

  1. Get out and take a bike ride through your neighborhood.下车,在附近骑自行车。 Exercise is a great stress reliever.运动是很好的缓解压力的方法。
  2. Use your vacation time.利用您的假期时间。 Take advantage of summer's slower schedule to unwind and get away from work.充分利用夏季时间较慢的时间来放松身心并远离工作。
  3. 。 .and stress less!而且压力更少! Working in your garden, or even planting flowers in a few pots, allows you to free your mind and can be a great stress reliever.在您的花园中工作,甚至在几个盆中种花,都可以让您解放思想,并且可以很好地缓解压力。
  4. Get out of the city heat and head to the hills!走出城市的高温,前往山丘! Take a hike through the huge variety of trails, from easy to difficult, that are just miles away.沿着数不清的步道远足,从简单到困难,几步之遥。
  5. Enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables every day by visiting a farmer's market.每天通过参观农贸市场享用新鲜的水果和蔬菜。 They are easy to find this time of year by checking in your local newspaper.通过每年在当地报纸中查找,很容易找到他们。
  6. 在您的食物中添加少量浆果将提供有益的抗氧化剂,从而改善您的健康。
  7. Get good sleep.睡个好觉Resist the urge to stay up late and instead stick to your usual routine.抵制熬夜的冲动,而要坚持平常的作息。 Open the windows and enjoy the fresh air for a good night's sleep.打开窗户,享受新鲜的空气,睡个好觉。

Too hot to go outside?太热了,不能出去吗? Try some of these hot-weather tips:尝试以下一些热天气提示:

  1. Go outside and play with your kids.出去玩,和你的孩子一起玩。 Run through the sprinkler or have a water fight.穿过喷头或打水。
  2. Take a swim.游泳。 Most local recreation centers offer indoor or outdoor pools.大多数当地的娱乐中心都提供室内或室外游泳池。
  3. Clean a closet.清洁壁橱。 De-cluttering your home can help de-clutter your mind, and you'll feel better about tackling the more hectic days ahead.整理您的房屋可以使您的思想更整洁,并且在应对未来更忙碌的日子时,您会感觉更好。
  4. Use your creativity to maintain your mental health.利用您的创造力来维持您的心理健康。 Check out your local art center for free classes, workshops or camps.前往当地艺术中心免费上课,参加工作坊或露营。 Jefferson Center's杰斐逊中心的 健康计划 offers free classes year-round ranging from hiking to quilting to jewelry making to yoga.全年提供免费课程,包括远足,hiking缝,珠宝制作和瑜伽。 Check their schedule at在以下位置查看他们的日程安排 http://www.jcmh.org/wellness


    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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