



九年前的五月,我失去了近十六年来最好的朋友和丈夫。 自这次损失以来的九年来,我已经学会了尊重一年中这个时候伴随的感受的重要性。 我有一个很好的支持系统,包括同事,朋友和家人-无论是选择的还是亲戚的-都会提供很大的支持。 我有两个出色的继子,他们的伙伴以及两个孙子给我带来了极大的快乐。

I've learned over the years that self-care is important year-round, not just as “special” times of the year.多年来,我已经了解到自我护理是全年重要的一年,而不仅仅是一年中的“特殊”时期。 It's important to be able to experience and accept all the feelings that accompany this time of year, both the painful feelings and joyous feelings.重要的是要能够体验并接受一年中这个时候伴随的所有感受,包括痛苦的感受和欢乐的感受。 I have rituals that I have developed through the years: I look at our wedding pictures, and this year shared the pictures with good friends and my stepsons and their partners.这些年来,我有一些习惯:我看我们的婚纱照,今年与好朋友,我的继子及其伴侣分享了这些照。 My stepsons were pretty young when I married their father and they didn't remember most of that day.当我与他们的父亲结婚时,我的继子还很年轻,他们不记得那天的大部分时间。 I also have a memory book that friends put together when he died that I look at and remember him, especially this time of year.我还有一本记忆书,当他去世时,朋友们把它们放在一起,我看着并记住他,尤其是每年的这个时候。

I also do other self-care such as getting a pedicure, meeting friends for lunch and dinner, quilting, needlework, and my favorite activity of all time, shopping.我还进行其他自我保健,例如修脚,与朋友见面共进午餐和晚餐,缝,做针线活,以及我一直以来最喜欢的购物活动。 I've come to accept this time of year with such mixed feelings, remembering the great times we shared and valuing all of the precious memories of the time we had together and how life has changed in the past nine years.我开始在一年中的这个时候带着如此复杂的感受,回想起我们分享的美好时光,并珍视我们在一起的所有珍贵回忆,以及过去九年生活的变化。

Self-care is so very important all year long and is different for everyone.一年四季的自我保健非常重要,每个人的情况都不一样。 I've recently attended a yoga class that I enjoyed and plan to continue yoga on a regular basis.我最近参加了一次我很喜欢的瑜伽课,并计划定期继续瑜伽。 I walk my 12-pound Maltese-poodle, Isabelle when the weather is nice;天气晴朗时,我走着重达XNUMX磅的马耳他贵宾犬伊莎贝尔(Isabelle); she has become the love of my life!她已经成为我一生的挚爱! I recently had my two grandchildren and my nephew's two boys for a sleepover.最近,我有两个孙子和外ne的两个男孩过夜。 While this may sound more stressful than self-care, the hugs and the request, “Can we do this again, soon” made my heart swell with contentment.虽然这听起来可能比自我照顾要重得多,但拥抱和“我们能尽快再做一次”的要求使我心满意足。 Additionally, I have recently started meeting with a group of three women, once a month, to quilt.此外,我最近开始与三个女人组成的小组见面,每月一次,被子。

Take the time to remember what brings you joy every day, but definitely in difficult times.花时间记住每天为您带来快乐的东西,但绝对是在困难时期。 Self-care takes many forms and is different for everyone.自我保健采取多种形式,并且每个人都不一样。 What is the same for everyone, is that self-care is important for everyone.对每个人来说都一样,自我保健对每个人都很重要。

玛丽·桑顿 是一名持证的临床社会工作者,在杰斐逊中心工作了20多年。



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