


无论您是远近旅行、乘坐飞机还是汽车,在开始旅行时,您通常都希望能够准时、顺利地到达旅行目的地。 然而,现实通常是非常不同的。 旅行确实会带来很大的压力,因此我们汇总了旅行建议,以帮助您应对可能遇到的任何情况。


我们在旅行时感到不舒服的原因之一是我们完全脱离了平常的生活习惯。 如果您习惯了日常生活(我们很多人都是这样!),旅行的自发性和缺乏结构可能很难适应。 

Take some time before you leave to check in on what it is you need to feel comfortable before taking off on your journey, and how you can bring some familiarity with you to your new setting.在离开之前花一些时间检查一下自己需要什么,然后才能开始旅途,以及如何使自己熟悉一些新环境。 Do you need to have your coffee first thing when you wake up?醒来时需要先喝咖啡吗? Are you crabby with less than 8 hours of sleep?您的睡眠时间少于XNUMX小时的螃蟹吗?

Build time into your itinerary to meet those needs, and make time for them before your trip to help you feel grounded.在行程中安排时间来满足这些需求,并在旅途之前为他们安排时间,以帮助您扎根。 If you go to the gym to relieve your stress, but you “should be” packing, give yourself permission to make room for both.如果您去健身房缓解压力,但“应该”收拾行李,请给自己许可,以便为两者腾出空间。


Now that you've scheduled your self-care ahead of your travels, it's helpful to find out what it is about travel that's causing your anxiety.既然您已经在出行前安排了自我保健,那么找出导致您焦虑的出行是有帮助的。 Take a piece of paper and jot down all your feelings and worries about your upcoming plans.拿一张纸记下您对即将到来的计划的所有感受和担忧。 Then, come up with a few solutions for each scenario.然后,针对每种情况提出一些解决方案。

For example, if you're worried about missing your flight and having to run through the airport to make your gate – leave an extra hour of buffer time in between when you would normally get to the airport.例如,如果您担心错过航班,而又不得不穿越机场来登机,请在通常到达机场的时间之间留出一个额外的缓冲时间。 Or plan to check first thing the morning of your flight to look online at security wait times, and look at the travel time.或计划在航班早上检查第一件事,以在线查看安全等待时间,并查看旅行时间。


3.   制作装箱单并检查两次


SmarterTravel分享了 最终装箱单 to help make sure no item is left behind.以确保没有遗留任何物品。 We recommend waiting to check items off the list until they're safely tucked away in your bag.我们建议您等待检查清单上的物品,直到将它们安全地塞入您的行李中。 If there are last-minute items you need to pack at the last minute (toothbrush, makeup, etc.) – make a post-it note and stick it to your bathroom mirror or right by the doorway to your house.如果有最后一刻的物品,您需要在最后一刻打包(牙刷,化妆用品等)–做个便签纸,贴在浴室的镜子上或就在房子门口附近。


4.   提前下载游戏和书籍


Download your apps, books, movies, tv shows, podcasts, and games before you leave the house.在您离开家之前,下载您的应用,书籍,电影,电视节目,播客和游戏。 Download a meditation app (such as下载冥想应用程序(例如 平静 or 洞察计时器),以保持顶部空间(如果变得阴霾)。 

Not interested in using your phone?对使用手机不感兴趣? Head to the library and take out a book you've been meaning to read or bring a sketchbook to doodle and write out your thoughts.前往图书馆,拿出一本您一直想读的书,或带一本写生簿来涂鸦和写下您的想法。 Make the most of your travel time by doing things you enjoy (even if that means sleeping!)通过做自己喜欢的事情来充分利用旅行时间(即使那意味着睡觉!)

5.   通过准备食物来保持自己的健康

有时,边走边吃既昂贵又有限,而且没有成就感。 通过自带餐食和零食,您可以省钱,并避免必须决定在哪里找到下一顿饭,这可能会因为各种原因而带来压力。 

6.   离开前列印重要文件

当然,现在我们的手机上都有登机文件,但你永远不知道你的手机什么时候会没电。 当您的手机决定停止工作时,手头有一份纸质副本可以为您提供一个备份选项,并且可以从您的清单上少一个担心。  

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a newcomer on the road, traveling can bring up stressful thoughts and feelings.无论您是经验丰富的旅行者还是旅途中的新人,旅行都可以带给您紧张的思想和感觉。 If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed as you travel, we are here 24/7 to support you.如果您在旅途中感到焦虑或不知所措,我们会全天候1/844为您提供支持。 Call the Colorado Crisis Services line at 493-8255-38255-XNUMX or Text TALK to XNUMX to speak with a trained crisis counselor.致电科罗拉多州危机服务热线XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX或将TALK致电XNUMX,与训练有素的危机顾问进行交谈。 



    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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