


冠状病毒的爆发改变了我国和世界各地人们的日常生活。 对于许多人来说,这场流行病给身体、情感和经济造成了损失,这让我们的心理健康感觉受到了影响。 在不确定的时期,感到压力和焦虑增加是完全正常的,特别是在社交隔离实践仍在继续的情况下,但保持心理健康对于抵御任何风暴至关重要。 在 COVID-19 期间,您可以采取以下几种方法将心理健康放在首位。 


Under most circumstances, we know what to expect out of our days and we have arranged our lives to create a routine around these expectations.在大多数情况下,我们知道将来会发生什么,我们已经安排了生活以围绕这些期望建立例程。 Whether that's getting ready to go to work, transitioning through a class schedule during the school day, or socializing with friends and family in the evening, routines help us feel safe and secure.无论是准备上班,在上学期间过渡上课表还是在晚上与亲朋好友进行社交活动,套路都能使我们感到安全有保障。 Additionally, there's strong evidence to demonstrate that此外,有充分的证据表明 日常习惯可能非常有益 to managing mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and substance use.来管理精神健康状况,例如焦虑,抑郁和药物滥用。 So what happens when entire communities are forced to drastically change their routines?那么,当整个社区被迫彻底改变他们的惯例时会发生什么呢? 


Along with social distancing recommendations and shelter-in-place orders, the spread of coronavirus has caused health officials and legislators to require remote work set-ups, school closures, and business closures to “flatten the curve.”伴随社会疏远建议和就地避难所,冠状病毒的传播已导致卫生官员和立法者要求进行远程工作,关闭学校和关闭业务,以“拉平曲线”。 Whether you live with family, roommates, or by yourself, quarantines introduce new challenges to many households, especially in terms of establishing daily routines.无论您是与家人,室友一起生活还是独自一人居住,隔离区都会给许多家庭带来新的挑战,尤其是在建立日常工作方面。 This can take a serious mental toll.这可能会造成严重的精神伤害。 

对于大多数人来说,缺乏控制会加剧压力和不确定性。 COVID-19 的爆发让人们感到无能为力,因为他们被要求对生活方式做出重大、前所未有的改变,直接触及心理健康的三个关键要素: 自治,能力和联系。 It's important to recognize that strong emotions like fear, sadness, confusion, anger, and irritability are all common reactions to stressful situations.重要的是要认识到,诸如恐惧,悲伤,困惑,愤怒和易怒之类的强烈情绪都是对压力情况的常见反应。 However, there are tools you can use to make sure your mental health needs are being met both during and after periods of quarantine.但是,可以使用一些工具来确保在隔离期间和之后都满足您的心理健康需求。 


Although helping others during times of crisis is a wonderful way to reach out and build community, making sure your own needs are met should be a priority.尽管在危机时期帮助他人是联系和建立社区的绝妙方法,但是确保满足自己的需求应该是当务之急。 This is particularly important for people such as medical professionals, first responders, and workers supporting grocery stores who have been deemed这对于像医疗专业人员,急救人员和支持杂货店的工人这样的人尤其重要,他们被认为是 必要 during stay-at-home orders.在家下订单时。 Everyone deals with stress differently, but here are some steps you can take to mitigate the negative mental health effects of the situation.每个人对压力的处理方式都不一样,但是您可以采取一些步骤来减轻这种情况对心理健康的负面影响。 


就像您给朋友或家人打电话一样,每天花一些时间问问自己过得怎么样并确定自己需要什么。 也许您需要从新的在家工作环境中休息一下,或者您需要到外面晒晒太阳一分钟。 停下来承认你的感受并解决你的需求可以成为对抗失控或无助感的有力工具。 


One of the most effective strategies for regaining a feeling of normalcy is to establish a routine.恢复正常感的最有效策略之一就是建立套路。 This can even be built based on your previous routines.这甚至可以根据您以前的例程来构建。 If you're used to waking up early every morning and getting ready for work, continue to follow that pattern, even if you're working remotely and your commute has been put on pause.如果您习惯于每天早晨起床准备工作,那么即使您正在远程工作并且通勤已暂停,也要继续遵循这种模式。 For parents and caretakers, this will also mean对于父母和看护人来说,这也意味着 纳入儿童时间表 如果没有正常的结构,他们也可能会感到失落和困惑。 打破一天的安排有助于减少单调并提高工作效率,但不要觉得你必须遵守严格的惯例。 找到适合家里每个人的东西。 


运动是释放压抑能量的好方法 降低压力激素的水平 like adrenaline and cortisol.像肾上腺素和皮质醇。 Even relatively short periods of activity can impact your mental and physical health.即使是相对较短的活动时间也会影响您的身心健康。 The good news is that even though fitness centers are closed and outdoor activities are limited, there are still plenty of options for staying active at home.好消息是,尽管健身中心关闭且户外活动受到限制,但仍然有很多选择可以保持活跃在家里。 Here are a few things you can do to incorporate more activity into your day based on your abilities:您可以根据自己的能力做一些事情,将更多的活动融入一天中:

  • 徒步
  • 轻伸展 
  • 瑜伽
  • 跳舞 
  • 体重锻炼 



随着病毒的情况、发展和新信息的传播,很难避免每小时查看新闻。 然而,在保持消息灵通和感到不知所措之间找到平衡很重要。 首先也是最重要的,通过从可信来源(例如 疾病控制和预防中心 (疾病预防控制中心) 世界卫生组织 (WHO),以及您的  和 本地 health departments.卫生部门。 Watching or listening to the news too much can increase stress more than simply reading the news because you're able to control your intake more easily.与单纯阅读新闻相比,过多地观看或收听新闻可能会增加压力,因为您能够更轻松地控制摄入量。 Another strategy for limiting your news consumption is to set aside fifteen minutes each day to check the news, that way you can focus on other tasks and priorities throughout the day.限制新闻消费的另一种策略是每天留出XNUMX分钟来检查新闻,这样您就可以全天专注于其他任务和优先事项。 


The quantity and quality of our social interactions play a huge role in our mental health, so it's no surprise that social distancing has led to many people feeling disconnected or cut off from “the real world.”我们的社交互动的数量和质量在我们的心理健康中起着重要作用,因此,社交疏离导致许多人感到与“现实世界”脱节或切断也就不足为奇了。 Staying in touch with friends, family, and coworkers is a key element in与朋友,家人和同事保持联系是 减少孤立感 and protecting your mental health.并保护您的心理健康。 Even if you can't meet face-to-face, there are still ways to stay connected:即使您不能面对面见面,仍然可以通过多种方式保持联系:

  • 致电,发短信或发送电子邮件给亲人
  • 通过视频会议举行工作会议
  • 在社交媒体上关注朋友
  • 与朋友一起玩虚拟游戏
  • 计划虚拟会议,如欢乐时光或咖啡
  • 玩多人在线视频游戏
  • 参加在线锻炼课程 

Staying in touch with spiritual or religious groups through video meetings or phone calls is also an important way to maintain your regular routine and sense of community.通过视频会议或电话与精神或宗教团体保持联系也是保持日常活动和社区意识的重要方式。 These are wonderful places to find comfort and support during difficult times.这些是在困难时期找到安慰和支持的好地方。 


Oftentimes, difficult situations present us with potentially uplifting opportunities.通常,困难的局势给我们带来了潜在的机遇。 One of the silver linings some people might identify during times of quarantine is the feeling of life slowing down, allowing for more time to reconnect with friends, family, and ourselves.人们在隔离检疫期间可能发现的一线希望是生活的感觉放慢,从而有更多的时间与朋友,家人和我们自己重新建立联系。 Without the daily hustle and bustle of work, sports, school, chores, and other responsibilities, you might find yourself with more free time than ever before.没有日常的工作,运动,学校,杂务和其他繁琐的工作,您可能会发现自己比以前拥有更多的空闲时间。 This is a great chance to find ways to relax through meaningful activities.这是寻找通过有意义的活动放松的好机会。 Whether there's a book you've been waiting to read or a project you've wanted to start, now might be the time.不管是等待阅读的书籍,还是想要开始的项目,现在都可以。 


Attending to your mental health is essential for everyone, but this can be much more challenging for people with preexisting mental health conditions who might be more susceptible to the negative impacts of COVID-19.注意您的心理健康对每个人来说都是必不可少的,但是对于已经存在心理健康状况且可能更容易受到COVID-XNUMX负面影响的人们而言,这可能更具挑战性。 Luckily, modern technology has created plenty of avenues for people to get help without needing to compromise your physical health.幸运的是,现代技术为人们提供了许多获得帮助的途径,而无需损害您的身体健康。 Telehealth has made it easy for people to continue talking to their doctors and professional therapists via online chat, phone, text, and video.远程医疗使人们可以轻松地通过在线聊天,电话,文本和视频继续与他们的医生和专业治疗师交谈。 

If you need extra support prioritizing and protecting your mental health during this time, there are resources and people who can help you today.如果您在这段时间内需要额外的支持来优先考虑和保护自己的心理健康,今天有很多资源和人可以为您提供帮助。 Contact us at the Jefferson Center to learn more about our在杰斐逊中心与我们联系以了解有关我们的更多信息 服务 或有任何疑问请致电我们。 

720/791全天候危机处理中心和取款管理计划在CO 2735的惠特里奇(Wheat Ridge)的844 Wadsworth Blvd开放。



    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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