


Relationships can be a source of joy and a source of frustration.人际关系可以是喜悦的源泉,也可以是沮丧的源泉。 Some relationships are easy to maintain, while others may take work and effort to be fruitful and enjoyable.有些关系很容易维护,而另一些关系可能需要工作和努力才能富有成果和令人愉快。 Whatever efforts you make toward nurturing and supporting your important relationships will have far-reaching benefits.无论您为培养和支持重要的人际关系付出什么努力,都将带来深远的好处。



Breathing into your diaphragm actually switches you into a calmer mode which makes communication a lot easier.呼吸进入横diaphragm膜实际上会使您进入一个安静的模式,这使交流变得更加容易。 If you hold hands with loved ones and family members when having difficult conversations, it makes it easier to stay positive amid conflict.如果您在进行艰难的交谈时与亲人和家人握手,那么在冲突中保持积极的态度就容易多了。 Focus on your heart when communicating with others.与他人交流时,专注于您的心脏。 Avoid blaming and projecting (assigning your unmet needs and feelings on others).避免责备和投射(将未满足的需求和感受分配给他人)。 In his book on parenting with intention, Dan Siegel writes about how caring communication supports the development of healthy attachment, and that it is a critical element in building trusting relationships.丹·西格尔(Dan Siegel)在有关有意育儿的书中写道,关爱沟通如何支持健康依恋的发展,这是建立信任关系的关键要素。 Caring communication is a worthy goal, no matter what connections you are working to strengthen.无论您要加强什么联系,关怀交流都是一个值得的目标。


Make sure you are working on your own concerns (depression, emotional neediness, being shy, health issues).确保您正在处理自己的问题(抑郁,情绪需要,害羞,健康问题)。 Learn strategies that help you remain calm even when your emotions are triggered.学习能够在情绪激动时保持冷静的策略。 There are two parts of the brain working against each other during an emotional conflict – the limbic/emotional brain and the pre-frontal cortex.在情绪冲突期间,大脑的两个部分互相作用-边缘/情感大脑和前额叶皮层。 When you are intentional about self-care (ie, learning about conflict resolution, getting enough sleep, getting enough exercise), and engaged in practices such as mindfulness, then your limbic brain and your pre-frontal cortex work cooperatively, and you will have more self-control.如果您有意进行自我保健(例如,学习解决冲突,充足的睡眠,进行足够的锻炼),并进行正念之类的练习,那么您的边缘大脑和额叶前额皮层会协同工作,您将拥有更加自我控制。 When you bring awareness to this process, it makes connecting with others more comfortable.当您意识到此过程时,它会使与他人的联系更加舒适。


今晚你最喜欢的活动,明天晚上别人最喜欢的活动。 交替进行的活动有助于保持每个人的高乐趣商数,从而使人际关系变得更容易。 当你做自己真正喜欢的事情时,相处起来会更容易。 分享兴趣是建立联系或重建似乎因时间和挑战而减弱的联系的好方法。

阿利斯泰尔·霍克斯 2009 年获得那洛巴大学硕士学位,并于 2011 年获得科罗拉多州 LPC(执业专业咨询师)证书。她在多个社区环境中担任治疗师已有 25 年,帮助人们康复和成长,并从事教学工作向客户传授通过正念和身体意识进行自我调节的教导。 她热衷于成长和改变,并喜欢教授各种人群调节身体/思想/情绪的基本实践。 她目前担任杰斐逊中心的预防专家,并在工作周内向公立学校系统的小学生教授自我调节生活技能。 此外,她还喜欢园艺、艺术创作、跳舞以及与家人共度时光。



    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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