


近年来,随着健康和保健的大动作,自我保健已成为流行语。 接管社交媒体。 Posts are often associated with skincare routines, face masks, and fresh manicures.职位通常与护肤程序,面罩和新鲜指甲有关。 While taking care of yourself is always a great idea, it doesn't have to be an expensive process centered around buying beauty products that promise a cure-all for your stressors.虽然照顾好自己总是一个好主意,但这并不一定是一个昂贵的过程,而该过程以购买可以为您的压力源带来治愈的美容产品为中心。 

So what exactly is self-care?那么自我保健到底是什么? One一 刊文 defines self-care as “any activity that we engage in to take care of our personal needs and well-being,” which can truly be any number of activities.自我护理定义为“我们为了照顾自己的个人需要和福祉而从事的任何活动”,它实际上可以是任何数量的活动。 Another important element to note is that self-care practices vary greatly from person to person based on their specific interests, needs, and personalities.另一个需要注意的重要因素是,根据个人的特定兴趣,需求和个性,每个人的自我护理行为差异很大。 What works for you might not work for your best friend and vice versa.对您有效的方法可能对您最好的朋友无效,反之亦然。 


Oftentimes, people view self-care as a luxury that takes up a lot of time and money, meaning they let daily stress build up and cause burnout.通常,人们将自我护理视为一种奢侈,需要花费大量时间和金钱,这意味着他们会让日常压力逐渐增加并导致倦怠。 Research shows that almost研究表明 在过去一年中,有20%的美国成年人患有焦虑症,患有焦虑症的女性比例远高于男性。 Stress and压力和 焦虑 can do more than just crowd your mental space, they can affect your physical health as well.不仅可以挤满您的心理空间,还可以影响您的身体健康。 Some common一些常见 焦虑的身体症状 包括: 

  • 沉重的呼吸
  • 胃不舒服
  • 头痛
  • 肌肉紧张
  • 颤抖或颤抖 
  • 衰竭
  • 失眠 

Self-care can help quell these symptoms by addressing your physical, mental, and emotional needs long before you've reached your breaking point.自我保健可以解决您的身体,心理和情感需求,从而帮助您消除这些症状,早于您达到断裂点。 Whether you have a mental illness or not, everyone has mental health and there are plenty of things you can do to take care of yourself on a daily basis and无论您是否患有精神疾病,每个人都具有精神健康,您每天可以做很多事情来照顾自己, 变得更有弹性 面对生活中的挑战。 

Self-care is all about incorporating small practices into your day that help you attend to your mental, physical, and emotional needs long before a stressful event makes you run out the door to get an emergency pedicure.自我护理就是将小习惯融入您的日常生活中,帮助您在压力大的事件使您筋疲力尽以进行紧急修脚之前很早就满足自己的心理,身体和情感需求。 Here are some ideas to help you add a little self-care into your everyday life!这里有一些想法可以帮助您在日常生活中增加一些自我保健!

1. 吃得健康,睡得更好,运动! 

身体自我保健就是关注自己的身体并弄清楚它需要什么才能长期健康成长。 这可能是锻炼、健康的饮食,甚至是更好的睡眠时间。 这里有一些照顾身体的简单方法。 

您可能已经做过但从未想过的事情 身体自我保健 is seeing a doctor when you're sick, taking time to recuperate, and taking medications as prescribed.是在生病时看医生,花时间进行疗养并按规定服药。 Of course, face masks and bubble baths can fall into this category as well!当然,口罩和泡泡浴也可以归为此类!

2. 休息一下

Mental self-care involves taking some time to slow down, declutter your mind, and reduce your stress levels by engaging in relaxing activities.精神自我护理需要花费一些时间来减慢速度,使您的思维更整洁并通过放松活动来减轻压力。 It can be easy to ignore your mental needs when it feels like you have a long list of responsibilities to attend to and not enough time in the day, but carving out some time to address your mental needs can help you stay sharp and focused on other tasks.当感觉自己需要承担的责任很长且一天中没有足够的时间时,可以很容易地忽略您的精神需求,但是花一些时间来解决您的精神需求可以帮助您保持敏锐的精神并专注于其他任务。 

某些精神上的自我保健活动可能包括读书,写日记,休息一下技术,甚至 沉思。 Mental self-care can also look like engaging in心理自我保健也可能像从事 积极的自我对话,实行自我同情,以及 看到疗法t 如果您需要额外的帮助来度过困难的时期或情况。 


3. 入住时的感觉

情绪上的自我护理是指花时间与您的感受和 发展健康的应对技巧 to deal with uncomfortable emotions like sadness, anger, and anxiety.处理悲伤,愤怒和焦虑等不舒服的情绪。 To engage in this, find activities or people that help you identify and express your feelings as they come.要参与其中,找到可以帮助您识别和表达自己的感受的活动或人员。 This can mean talking to a family member or a friend, writing about your feelings, or processing your emotions with the help of a therapist.这可能意味着与家人或朋友交谈,写出您的感受或在治疗师的帮助下处理自己的情绪。 Another important component of recognizing and acknowledging your feelings is to set认识和认可自己感受的另一个重要组成部分是 健康界限。 Creating boundaries is a great way to recognize your limits and show yourself some compassion.建立界限是认识自己的极限并表现出自己同情心的一种好方法。 

The beauty of self-care is that there's no right way to do it.自我保健的美在于没有正确的方法来做。 Self-care is a unique process that is all about making your needs a priority.自我护理是一个独特的过程,其全过程就是将您的需求放在首位。 Your daily practices should be developed based on the activities that bring you peace, relaxation, and happiness.应该基于带给您和平,放松和幸福的活动来发展您的日常习惯。 Take some time to observe what practices make you feel good and see how you can incorporate them into your daily life a little bit more to build resiliency.花一些时间观察一下使自己感觉良好的做法,并了解如何将它们更多地融入到日常生活中以增强弹性。

Want to build up your self-care toolbox?是否想建立自己的自我保健工具箱? Check out our free,看看我们的免费, 点播网络研讨会系列,旨在帮助您应对生活挑战,并且一定要访问我们的 新闻 了解更多有关管理压力和焦虑以及养成健康习惯的提示和技巧。

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    杰斐逊中心提供以客户为中心的服务,旨在满足您的个人心理健康、药物使用和健康需求。 我们致力于在您的旅程中与您会面,并共同努力帮助您过上令人满意和充满希望的生活。

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